Mifare 1k Key Fob


Alaabta sifaysan

Wararkii ugu dambeeyay

Two transparent teardrop-shaped keychains, each housing the mifare 1k key fob (1) electronic components and featuring a metal key ring attached.

Sharaxaad Gaaban:

The Mifare 1k Key Fob is a read-only contactless card with a 1024-byte storage capacity, operating at 13.56 MHz and adhering to the ISO 14443A communication protocol. It is waterproof, shockproof, and anti-corrosion, and is used in various industries like hotels, recreation centers, sports centers, and theme parks. RFID key fobs provide control and flexibility for enhanced security and access management, enhancing customer engagement and enhancing brand activation. They can also be used for brand activation events, integrating online and physical spaces, and providing valuable data for event planners.

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Nala wadaag:

Faahfaahinta Alaabta

The Mifare 1k Key Fob, which has a 1024-byte storage capacity, operates at 13.56 MHz, and adheres to the ISO 14443A communication protocol, is what the Mifare 1K keychain utilizes. PVC, which is waterproof, shockproof, and anti-corrosion, may be used to encase this kind of keychain and hang it from the keychain for convenient carrying.

The Mifare 1K keychain is a read-only contactless card that reads the individual card number stored in the chip EEPROM. It is powered inductively by a card reader. Before the card is blocked, this number is only typed once, and it cannot be modified after it has been blocked. This card’s passive and contact-free features make it simple, quick, and dependable to use, which is why it’s been in widespread usage.

Mifare 1k Key Fob


Parameters of Mifare 1k Key Fob

item kF013
Tilmaamaha Gaarka ah Biyo-celiska / Weatherproof
Communication Interface RFID, NFC
Place of Origin China
Brand Name OEM
Model Number KF013
Soo noqnoqoshada 125KHz
Qalab ABS/ Leather/Iron Ring
Chip MI-F 1k /Ultralight/f08/natg213 etc
Baratakoolka ISO11784/785, ISO14443A, ISO18000-6B, ISO18000-6C
Soo noqnoqoshada 125Khz/13.56Mhz/860-960Mhz
Midabka Red/blue/yellow
Reading distance 0-10CM
Work mode Read & Write
Codsiga Habka Xakamaynta Helitaanka
Sample Available



Manufacturer of Mifare 1k Key Fob

A variety of RFID keychains are available from Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Ltd., ranging from simple designs to intricate hard PVC finishes. RFID key fobs are most often seen in hotels, recreation centers, sports centers, and theme parks. They are capable of controlling access to specific rooms and regions. RFID technology is perfect for new product launches since it can help with brand activation and awareness. Compared to conventional magnetic stripes, RFID technology is often more dependable and provides more control and flexibility for enhanced security and access management.

What is an RFID keychain?

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, to start. The RFID key fob is a component of an RFID system that also consists of an RFID reader. An antenna that can receive and broadcast data is included within the RFID key fob, along with a microchip that holds all of the unique data.

Benefits of RFID Keychains

  1. Customers and visitors may engage with businesses in new ways by fusing digital and physical venues using RFID key fobs.
  2. According to the permissions you specify, an RFID-controlled key fob’s function is to provide visitors and guests access to certain rooms and regions of your facility. In establishments like hotels, where key fobs are used to provide visitors access to their rooms and/or amenities like spas and gyms, RFID key fobs are often seen. RFID key fobs are also often seen in public office buildings and corporate establishments, where they are used to restrict entry to certain portions of the building or to limit access to rooms holding sensitive data.
  3. Furthermore, gym locker door access may be restricted using key fob technology, guaranteeing that belongings are safe and accessible only with the key fob that locks the door.
  4. Keychains may also be used for brand activation events, which link the online and physical event spaces via social media integration. It is well established that these technologies increase revenue, interactivity, and user experience.
  5. By only pressing an RFID touchpoint, users can effortlessly upload images, “check-in” at events, and connect their keychains with social media profiles. When consumers produce, publish, and distribute material online via social networks, brands may profit from free user-generated content.
  6. Data is crucial to the success and sustainability of your company as an event planner. Businesses may gather intelligent data and analytics about their clients and visitors using
  7. Qalabka muhiimka ah ee RFID. For instance, by studying how guests use your amenities and attractions, you may spot trends as well as operational advantages and disadvantages.



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