Tags Jewelry RFID


Alaabta sifaysan

Wararkii ugu dambeeyay

A large round diamond is elegantly showcased on a silver ring, complemented by an RFID Jewelry Tag for added style and secure tracking.

Sharaxaad Gaaban:

UHF RFID Jewelry Tags waa wax la beddeli karo, designed for jewelry management and security. These tags, also known as jewelry anti-theft tags or EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) jewelry anti-theft tags, have RFID antennas and chips for efficient inventory tracking and management. They are versatile, with a long tail that allows easy wrapping around jewelry accessories. The tags can be customized with material, size, and printing content, and can be used for logistics, la socodka hantida, maareynta alaabada, e-ticketing, aviation luggage tags, vehicle windshield tags, and industrial item labels.

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Nala wadaag:

Faahfaahinta Alaabta

We offer customizable UHF RFID Jewelry Tags that not only have the function of printing paper RFID price tags but are also designed for jewelry management and jewelry security. These tags, also known as jewelry anti-theft tags or EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) jewelry anti-theft tags, have RFID antennas and chips, which provide strong support for the anti-theft system of jewelry stores or luxury accessories.

These UHF RFID jewelry tags are uniquely designed with a long tail that can easily wrap around jewelry accessories such as rings or glasses. Their long reading distance and fast reading speed ensure efficient inventory tracking and management. Whether it is anti-theft, anti-counterfeiting, or retail management, these tags have demonstrated excellent performance. With our customization service, you can choose the material, size, and printing content of the label according to your actual needs to ensure that it perfectly adapts to your inventory management needs. Whether it is a large jewelry chain or an independent boutique, these UHF RFID jewelry tags can provide an effective solution for your business.

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Product UHF Anti-Theft Jewellery RFID Jewelry Tag
Qalab Paper, PVC, PET
Cabbirka 30*15, 35*35, 37*19mm, 38*25, 40*25, 50*50, 56*18, 73*23, 80*50, 86*54, 100*15, iwm, ama la habeeyo
Soo noqnoqoshada 860-960 MHz
Baratakoolka ISO18000-6C, ISO18000-6B
Chip Alien H3, Alien H4, Monza 4QT, Monza 4E, Monza 4D, Monza 5, iwm
Memory 512 bits, 128 bits, iwm
Reading/Writing distance 1-15m, depending on the reader and environment
Personalization Serial number, barcode, QR code, encoding, iwm
Xidhmada Pack in roll, or punch to separate single pcs
Shipment By Express, by air, by sea
Codsiga -Logistics / Identification, Dabagalka Hantida

-Maaraynta agabka / ePayment / E-ticket

-Aviation luggage tag / Apparel Tag

-Vehicle Windshield Tag / Library Books Label

-Industrial and Commercial item label

RFID Jewelry Tags02


Custom RFID Jewelry Tags

We can tailor tag size, shape, and color to your needs.
The tag’s RFID chip and antenna may be customized for your use.
For product identification, tracking, and advertising, we can print text, patterns, or QR codes on tags.

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Application areas:

UHF RFID jewelry sticker labels are ideal for anti-theft, anti-counterfeiting, and inventory control in jewelry and luxury accessory retailers.
The long tail makes it easy to wrap the tag around rings and necklaces, assuring its stability and durability.

Technological features:

UHF RFID technology’s long scanning distance and quick reading speed increase inventory management efficiency and accuracy.
To guarantee tag stability in varied conditions, our RFID chips and antennae are meticulously developed and tuned.

Service after sale:

Technical assistance, warranty, and return and exchange are included in our after-sales service.
Please contact us if you have any issues or need assistance using, and we will assist you.



Are your items in stock?
Jawaab: Our product stocks change at various periods. Please tell us the product you require, and we will quickly verify stock and offer appropriate information.

Do you provide samples?
Jawaab: We provide samples. We may mail stock samples to you for free. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, if the sample is out of stock, we may need to make fresh items and charge a sample cost.

How to give art?
You may email us artwork or use other means we agree on. For optimum printing quality, use vector drawings like AI, PSD, or CDR. Your artwork must be clear and fit our printing criteria.

Minimum order quantity?
Jawaab: 500 pcs are our minimum order. Order at least 500 goods. Please note that our prices are normally more competitive for bigger orders. Contact us with order quantities or pricing inquiries.

Fariintaada ka tag


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Nala Soo Xidhiidh


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