RFID Magnetic IButton


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Two RFID Magnetic IButtons, featuring blue electronic key fobs with circular metal contacts, are shown against a white background.

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The RFID Magnetic IButton Dallas Magnetic Tag Reader DS9092 One Wire iButton Probe with LED provides electrical contact for data transport. It is suitable for access control, monitoring work in progress, commercial cash register, tool management, and inventory control. It features a self-aligning button form, and LED, and can be easily attached to 1-Wire devices.

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Faahfaahinta Alaabta

RFID Magnetic IButton Dallas Magnetic Tag Reader DS9092 One Wire iButton Probe with LED
The electrical contact needed to transport data to and from the DS19xx series iButtons is provided by the iButton probe. The iButton MicroCan package’s rounded corners readily suit the round probe form, which offers a self-aligning interface. Metal contacts are simple to maintain and resistant to wear.

RFID Magnetic IButton (4)



  1. Access control in smart communities, hotels, barkadaha dabaasha, water patrols, and places where there is a lot of humidity in the field. 2. Monitoring of work in progress
  2. Commercial cash register, tool management, and fleet management
  3. Control of inventory.

RFID Magnetic IButton


Main features

  • Simple, low-cost metal stampings form the iButton family of read/write probes * Probe guides iButton input
  • Accessible shallow probe hole makes clearing mud and other debris easier * iButton glides over surfaces to create self-cleaning contacts * Panel mount probe that is pre-wired for simple installation; bright, rust-proof metal surface that lasts for millions of operations; flexible design that enables panel or handle attachment with optional tactile feedback
  • You read in less than five milliseconds.
  • Operating temperatures: -40°C to +85°C, 2.8V to 6.0V


iButton functions

  1. Since no two parts are alike, a unique 64-bit registration number guarantees perfect traceability and error-free component selection.
  2. Multidrop controller integrated into 1-Wire networks
  3. Digital identification by brief touch
  4. When connected to an item, data may be retrieved. 16.3 kbps single digital signal can be used for economical communication with the bus master.
  5. Self-aligning button form with cup probe
    robust housing made of stainless steel
  6. readily attaches using a ring that pushes against its edge, a flange, or self-adhesive backing.
  7. A signal is sent when an electronic key is inserted into the key reader. 1-Wire devices may be connected to electronic key readers.

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Nala Soo Xidhiidh


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