RFID Tag Projects


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RFID Tag Projects

Sharaxaad Gaaban:

Laundry RFID Tag Projects are a versatile, efficient, and durable product suitable for various laundry applications. Utilizing ultra-high frequency technology, they support long-distance batch reading with 100% accuracy, reducing labor and labor time. They comply with international standards, can be read at distances over 6m, and are suitable for various environments.

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Nala wadaag:

Faahfaahinta Alaabta

Laundry RFID Tag Projects are an efficient, durable and versatile product that is ideal for a variety of application scenarios in the laundry industry, especially where efficient management and precise tracking of items are required. Its powerful performance and wide applicability make it an ideal choice for modern laundry and inventory management solutions.
RFID silicone laundry tags use ultra-high frequency (UHF) technology to support long-distance batch reading with 100% accuracy. Tags can significantly improve the laundry process, improve work efficiency, reduce labor and labor time, and achieve low-cost and efficient management.



Technical advantages:

  • UHF technology allows hundreds of tags to be read at a time, improving communication performance and reducing costs.
  • Soft and durable, suitable for washing environments such as high-pressure dehydration and ironing.
  • Accurately read a large number of tags with low failure rate, convenient inventory management.



Technical specifications and performance:

  • Complies with international standardsISO/IEC 18000-3 and EPC Gen2”.
  • Tags can be read at a distance of more than 6m.
  • The tag is compact and lightweight.
  • It has a long working life and can be washed/dry-cleaned 200 times or used for 3 years after factory delivery.
  • The failure rate is extremely low, only 0.1% (excluding discoloration, bending, deformation, iwm., under normal use conditions).

rfid tag projects (5)


Applicable environment and conditions:

  1. Suitable for water washing and dry cleaning (including polyethylene, hydrocarbon solvent washing).
  2. Can withstand high-pressure dehydration environment up to 60bar.
  3. Waterproof and chemical resistant, including detergents, softeners, bleaches (oxygen/chlorine) and strong alkalis.
  4. Can be autoclaved at high temperatures.
  5. Has a certain degree of heat resistance and can withstand dry ironing temperatures up to 200℃ for a short time (isolation pad required).


Additional advantages and applications:

Since the label is 100% non-magnetic, it can be used in the medical field.
Has obtained product certification that meets the requirements of MRI equipment and can be safely used in MRI equipment of 1.5 iyo 3.0 Tesla.

rfid tag projects (4) rfid tag projects (3)


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Nala Soo Xidhiidh


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