Rrip dore RFID
Produkte të veçuara

RFID Wristband Solutions
The RFID Wristband Solutions is a unique, stylish, and functional…

Custom RFID Wristband
Custom RFID wristbands are wearable gadgets that use radio frequency…

RFID Wrist band
RFID wrist band are easy to wear, shockproof, waterproof, dhe…

RFID Pool Wristband
RFID pool wristbands are smart wristbands designed for water places…
Lajmet e fundit
Shirit dore mifare
RFID MIFARE MIFARE RREGULLUR ofron një stabilitet të shkëlqyeshëm, Pafytyrësi uji, fluksshmëri, dhe rehati, I përshtatshëm për anëtarët e klubit, Vendndodhjet e kalimit sezonal, dhe klube ekskluzive/VIP. It comes in various sizes and colors and can…
Wrist Band Access Control
Wrist Band Access Control is a practical and comfortable device designed for various activities and positions. It is waterproof, impact-resistant, and has high-temperature resistance, making it suitable for various scenarios.…
RFID Wristbands For Events
The RFID Wristbands For Events is a smart accessory designed for events, meetings, and special occasions. Made of high-quality silicone, it offers comfort and durability. It integrates advanced RFID technology…