It is a leading manufacturer and global supplier of RFID-related products.

Featured Products

RFID Library Tag

RFID Nail Tag

Pet Microchip Scanner

RFID Fabric Laundry Tag

Suhu luhur UHF Metal Tag

RFID Blank Card

Fabric RFID Wristband

RFID Festival Wrist Band

Mifare RFID bracelet

Mifare Wristband

RFID For Key Fob

13.56 Mhz Key Fob
Featured Products

Are you interested in RFID tags, kartu,wristbands, labél, inlay and reader, antenna?
If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a customized order, Please feel free to contact us.
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Reliable & High-Quality Service

- Dupi abdi tiasa gaduh urutan sampel?
enya, tangtosna, Anjeun tiasa mimitian ti urutan sampel saméméh urutan bulk.
- Kumaha upami waktos kalungguhan?
sampel / urutan leutik 3-5 poé gawé, urutan bulk 7-15 poé gawé.
- Naha anjeun ngagaduhan wates MOQ?
Sabenerna MOQ 50 atawa 100 pcs.
- Kumaha anjeun ngirim barang sareng sabaraha lami dugi ka dugi?
Urang ngirim barang ku DHL, Fedex, UPS jsb. Éta peryogi 7-10 poé gawé. Urang tiasa ngirim ku laut atanapi karéta api, oge, éta peryogi 20-25 poé gawé.
- Kumaha neraskeun pesenan?
Reliable & High-Quality Service

Muka konci Poténsi RFID Tags: Kumaha Téknologi Ieu Revolutionizing Manajemén Inventory
Key Takeaways RFID know-how has seen a major rise in reputation on account of its skill to revolutionize…

Naon 125KHz RFID dipaké pikeun?
125Téknologi RFID KHz ngagaduhan rupa-rupa skenario aplikasi, kaasup kontrol aksés, manajemén logistik, manajemén wahana, kontrol prosés produksi,…

Naon bedana NFC sareng RFID?
Dina dunya téhnologi-disetir dinten ieu, salaku usaha dina séktor sapertos pertambangan sareng minyak, trucking, logistik, gudang, Balanja, and more go through…