RFID Keyfob
produk unggulan

125khz RFID Key Fob
Our company specializes in manufacturing high-quality, multi-purpose RFID key fobs…

RFID Keyfobs
Our specialty is providing premium RFID keyfobs that integrate cutting-edge…

RFID Key Tags
RFID Key Tags are smart keys used for personnel applications,…

NFC Key Fob
NFC key fobs are lightweight, rugged, portable transponders with unique…
News panganyarna
RFID Smart Key Fob
RFID Smart Key Fobs sayogi dina sababaraha warna, pilihan percetakan jeung téhnologi jarak pikeun idéntifikasi jeung verifikasi pribadi. They also provide encoding of personal and financial information…
tipe fob konci rfid
Jenis fob konci RFID mangrupikeun alat kontrol aksés anu aman sareng téknologi RFID. Asalna ti Fujian, Cina, aranjeunna nawiskeun pilihan waterproof / weatherproof sarta bisa ngaropéa kalawan kelir sarta panganteur komunikasi. They…
Mifare Key Fobs
Fobs konci MIFARE henteu aya kontak, portabel, sareng alat anu gampang dianggo anu tiasa disaluyukeun pikeun nyocogkeun kana sababaraha aplikasi. They are available in various colors and sizes and can be used with…