custom rfid wristbands

Fully customizable wristbands with embedded LED indicators, designed for VIP identification at nightclubs.


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A blue Custom NFC Wristband featuring a round central area displaying the text "RFID" along with a signal icon.

Custom NFC Wristband

Customized RFID NFC silicone wristbands are now available, featuring advanced technology and excellent waterproof performance. These wristbands are made of high-quality silicone, offering durability and anti-aging properties. They support 125

A RFID Event Wristband in red is showcased, boasting a central tag adorned with the text "RFID" and two curved lines symbolizing wireless connectivity.

RFID Event Wristbands

The RFID Event Wristbands are a versatile wearable gadget made of premium silicone, available in various colors and sizes. These wristbands are waterproof, moisture-proof, and resistant to high temperatures, making

Gedong industri abu-abu ageung sareng seueur windows biru-tinted sareng dua lawang utama nangtung bangga dina kaayaan anu jelas, langit biru. Ditandaan ku logo "PBZ Business Park," eta embodies urang "Ngeunaan Kami" misi nyadiakeun solusi bisnis Premier.

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