125khz RFID Bracelets


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A 125khz RFID Bracelet featuring a red plastic casing and a blank, circular white face, all secured with a black adjustable strap.

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The 125khz RFID Bracelets are robust, contactless wristbands that encapsulate a passive chip into a nylon webbing material. Available in blue, beureum, koneng, jeung hideung, they are splash-proof and can be customized with colors. The wristband has specialized identification ability, RF data reading, and efficient batch reading. It is waterproof, shockproof, and comes in various colors. Fujian RFID Solutions uses advanced production equipment and testing tools to ensure the quality and reliability of their wristbands.

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The contactless data medium of the 125khz RFID Bracelets simply encapsulates the chip into the RFID nylon wristband and is very robust. They have a passive chip. The bracelet material is nylon webbing and is available in blue, beureum, koneng, jeung hideung. The outer shell (hideung) material is polycarbonate and is available in blue, beureum, jeung hideung. Other colors of the strap and outer shell are available on request. The RFID nylon wristband is generally splash-proof. On request, we can offer you a 100% waterproof model.

125khz RFID Bracelets 125khz RFID Bracelets01



Ngaran RFID Velcro Nylon Wristband
Model Number NL002
Bahan Nylon(Strap), ABS+PVC(Head)
Ukuran Dial: 37*40mm

Band: 280*20mm

Weight 13-14g
Warna Beureum, Biru, Konéng, Héjo, Purple, Hideung… (Can be customized by Pantone color or CMYK color)
Optional Chip 125Khz (LF) : TK4100, EM4100, EM4200, T5577, EM4305, Hitag S256…
13.56Mhz (HF): Mifare S50/S70, NTAG213/215/216, Ultralight EV1/C, Desire 2K/4K/8K, I-code Slix…
860Mhz-960Khz (UHF) : Alien H3/H4, Monza 4/4E/4QT/5/R6, Ucdoe 7/8…
Protokol ISO11784/785, ISO14443A/B, ISO15693, ISO18000-6B/6C
Temperature-resistance -30ºC~120ºC
Working Temperature -30ºC~75ºC
Feature Tahan cai
Reading Distance 0~10 cm
Data Retention > 10 Years
Read-write Times > 100,000 Times
Packing 100pcs/tas, 1000pcs/carton

Specification drawing


Functions of the wristband:

Specialized identification ability: Unlike typical barcodes, which can only identify a single kind of thing, the wristband has exceptional recognition ability and can properly identify individual single items, improving item management accuracy and efficiency.
Benefits of RF data reading: Without the need for lasers, the information on the wristband may be readily read through exterior materials using RF technology. This is especially helpful in situations when there is low light or broken barcodes.

Effective batch reading and large-capacity storage: The wristband can read many items at once, significantly increasing the pace at which item information may be entered. Its enormous storage capacity may also accommodate sophisticated data storage requirements.

Overview of features:

Diverse shapes: Offer a range of form alternatives and adjust to various demands and conditions.
Chip technology: To guarantee the stability and dependability of data transmission, a range of chip technologies, including LF (frékuénsi low), HF (frékuénsi luhur), and UHF (ultra-high frequency), are used.
ecologically friendly silicone material: It is safe and long-lasting, made of ecologically friendly silicone material.
Waterproof and shockproof: It operates normally in a variety of settings because to its exceptional waterproof and shockproof capabilities.
The logo for screen printing is available in one or two colors, making it simple to distinguish and identify.

Equipment support:

To guarantee the excellent quality and effectiveness of wristband manufacturing, Fujian RFID Solutions uses complex and cutting-edge production equipment, such as the Hydbury CMYK printer and the Newbo automated chip flip machine. Salaku tambahan, we have a number of devices for evaluating dependability, including a simulated transport vibration table and a programmed salt spray test machine, which we use to make sure wristbands and their parts are stable and reliable in a variety of harsh environments. With its top-notch manufacturing and testing tools, Fujian Ruifeng Electronics stands behind the caliber of its wristbands.

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