Custom NFC Wristband


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A blue Custom NFC Wristband featuring a round central area displaying the text "RFID" along with a signal icon.

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Customized RFID NFC silicone wristbands are now available, featuring advanced technology and excellent waterproof performance. These wristbands are made of high-quality silicone, offering durability and anti-aging properties. They support 125 KHz LF and 13.56 MHz HF IC, allowing fast and accurate identification and access control. They are high-temperature resistant, making them ideal for high-temperature environments like gyms and sports clubs. Fujian RFID Leyuran Co., Ltd. offers a specialized manufacturing line for high-quality products.

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We specially launched customized RFID NFC silicone wristbands. This wristband not only has excellent waterproof performance but also incorporates advanced RFID NFC technology to provide you with a comprehensive access management solution.

Our customized RFID NFC silicone wristbands are made of high-quality silicone material, ensuring that the wristband remains soft and comfortable in humid environments, while also having good durability and anti-aging properties. A variety of color options to meet the personalized needs of different users, making your access control system more fashionable and personalized.

The wristband supports 125 KHz LF and 13.56 MHz HF IC, which can meet the needs of different reading distances. Whether short-range or medium-range reading, fast and accurate identification and access control can be achieved. The specific reading distance depends on the performance and settings of the reader, but it can be up to 60mm, ensuring that it can still work stably in complex environments.

Salaku tambahan, our customized RFID NFC silicone wristbands are also high-temperature resistant and can work normally in high-temperature environments without being affected. This makes it ideal for high-temperature environments such as gyms and sports clubs.

Custom NFC Wristband


Available ICs:

  • EM 4102 (125 KHz, 64 bit, R/O)
  • I-Code (13.56 MHz, 512 bit, R/W, ISO/IEC 15693)
  • HF 1K (13.56 MHz, 1K Byte, R/W, ISO 14443 A)



RFID access control, RFID ticketing, and RFID stored value and credit applications. These inexpensive, disposable paper RFID wristbands are inexpensive and may be worn for many hours at events such as trade exhibitions, lectures, museums, concerts, parties, and product promotions.



GJ010 Round Ф74mm RFID Silicone Wristbands are reusable, waterproof, and strong. It’s a model that feels good to the touch and fits well. It makes it easier to identify those who use a water park, gym, or pool. It is simple to remove and reduces perspiration since it is made of expanding silicone.RFID technology makes contactless tasks possible, such as contactless payment and door and locker opening.
It also permits usage restrictions based on programming schedules.


Why Choose Us Custom NFC Wristband

With a production capacity of over 100 million pieces, Fujian RFID Leyuran Co., Ltd. is a Fujian-based company with over 20 years of expertise. It specializes in the manufacture of different RFID tags, RFID card inserts, RFID wristbands, RFID tags, and electronic devices.

Our services and capabilities

  1. A specialised manufacturing line to guarantee excellent quality, high output, and quick delivery
  2. Providing the greatest customer service is a result of our success in the client’s success.
  3. Utilize all of our factory’s capabilities to provide the greatest goods at the most competitive costs.
  4. We are able to create labels in any number, size, or style with the greatest degree of flexibility.


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