Industrial Tags RFID


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Industrial Tags RFID

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Industrial Tags RFID are electronic tags that transmit and store data using radio waves. In industrial production situations, they may do non-contact automated identification and data collection. This tag is made up of a chip and a coupling element. To identify the target item, each RFID tag carries a distinct electrical code. RFID tags are classified as passive, aktip, or semi-active based on the sort of power they use. Each form of tag is significant in a variety of application situations. RFID tags are extensively utilized in the industrial area for traceability systems, production tracking, asset management, and other purposes. Human error is decreased and production efficiency and management levels are raised via the rapid and precise identification of things. Salaku tambahan, RFID tags provide excellent anti-interference characteristics, a regulated reading distance, great data security, and the ability to function steadily in challenging industrial conditions.

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Industrial Tags RFID are electronic tags that transmit and store data using radio waves. In industrial production situations, they may do non-contact automated identification and data collecting. This tag is made up of a chip and a coupling element. To identify the target item, each RFID tag carries a distinct electrical code. RFID tags are classified as passive, aktip, or semi-active based on the sort of power they use. Each form of tag is significant in a variety of application situations. RFID tags are extensively utilized in the industrial area for traceability systems, production tracking, asset management, and other purposes. Human error is decreased and production efficiency and management levels are raised via the rapid and precise identification of things. Salaku tambahan, RFID tags provide excellent anti-interference characteristics, a regulated reading distance, great data security, and the ability to function steadily in challenging industrial conditions.



Functional Specifications:

Protokol RFID: EPC Kelas 1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C Frékuénsi: (AS) 902-928MHz, (Uni Éropa) 865-868MHz IC type: Alien Higgs-3

Memory: EPC 96bits (Up to 480bits) , USER 512bits, TID64bits

Write Cycles: 100,000times Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: Up to 50 Years Applicable Surface: Metal Surfaces

Read Range :

(Fix Reader)

Read Range :

(Handheld Reader)

320 cm, (AS) 902-928MHz, on metal

280 cm (Uni Éropa) 865-868MHz, on metal

240 cm, (AS) 902-928MHz, on metal

230 cm (Uni Éropa) 865-868MHz, on metal

Warranty: 1 Year


Physical Specification:

Ukuran: Diameter 20mm, (Hole: D2mm*2)

Thickness: 2.0mm without IC bump, 2.8mm with IC bump

Bahan: FR4 (PCB)

Colour: Hideung (Beureum, Biru, Héjo, Bodas) Mounting Methods: Adhesive, Screw

Weight: 1.9g



Industrial Tags RFID 05


MT026 D20U5:

MT026 D20E8:


Environmental Specification:

IP Rating: IP68

Storage Temperature: -40°С to +150°С

Operation Temperature: -40°С to +100°С

Certifications: Reach Approved, RoHS Approved, CE Approved



pesenan information:

MT026 D20U5 (AS) 902-928MHz, MT026 D20E8 (Uni Éropa) 865-868MHz

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