Leather Proximity Key Fob


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Two green Leather Proximity Key Fobs with gold metal rings and white stitching are displayed side by side on a white background. A close-up detail of the stitching is shown in an inset image.

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The Leather Proximity Key Fob is a fashionable and practical accessory made of high-quality leather. It integrates with advanced sensing technology for wireless communication with access control systems and vehicle security systems. It also features advanced encryption technology for security and anti-loss and theft functions. The keychain can be personalized with personal names, company logos, or other patterns.

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The Leather Proximity Key Fob is a small accessory that is both fashionable and practical. It is made of high-quality leather, which is soft to the touch and durable and is not easy to wear or deform after long-term use. The keychain is cleverly integrated with advanced sensing technology, allowing it to easily communicate wirelessly with access control systems, vehicle security systems, and other devices.

In addition to convenience, leather sensor keychains also focus on security. It uses advanced encryption technology to ensure that the identity information stored in it cannot be copied or tampered with by unauthorized persons. At the same time, some advanced induction keychains also have anti-loss and anti-theft functions. Once the user is lost or stolen, it can immediately send an alarm or track it to ensure the safety of the user’s property.

The design of the leather sensor keychain also focuses on personalization. Users can engrave personal names, company logos, or other patterns on the keychain according to their own preferences and need to make it more unique and identifiable.

Leather Proximity Key Fob



item Leather RFID key fob
Fitur husus Tahan cai / Weatherproof
Communication Interface rfid
Place of Origin Cina
Brand Name OEM
Model Number KF029
Frékuénsi 125khz / 13.56mhz/ 915mhz
Bahan leather
Application Kontrol Aksés
Protokol ISO 14443A
Reading distance 1-5cm
Chip tk4100 chip / em4200 chip /N213 CHIP / H3 / U8 etc
Customized support Customized Logo Support



  • Kontrol aksés, manajemén kaanggotaan, cashless payment, loyalty system, parking management, hotel management,
    Identification management, kahadiran, ticket management, jsb.
  • Full-color Pantone printing, thermal printing serial number, inkjet printing serial number, QR code, barcode printing, laser engraving serial number
  • Low frequency: 125Khz, frékuénsi luhur: 13.56Mhz, ultra high frequency: 860-960MHz chip
    Type N213, N215, N216, F08, TK4100, EM4200, EM4305, T5577, M1S50, M1S70, F08, Alien H3, Monza 4/5/6 and other data storage > 100,000 rewrites in 10 years


Our Advantage

  1. 20 Years of Experience in The R&D of the IOT Field. Expert in RFID tags!
  2. Experienced & Professional Sales Team & Production Team.
  3. Prompt Reply & Delivery on Time.
  4. Factory price
  5. Better Quality With Better Service.
  6. 100% Test Before Shipment.


Packing & Delivery

100 pieces/bag, 2000 pieces/carton. All packing a neutral packing, Or depends customer’s requirements.

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