Programmable RFID Bracelet


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A row features four Programmable RFID Bracelets, each in vibrant colors: biru, hejo, koneng, and red.

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Programmable RFID bracelets are waterproof, durable, and environmentally friendly NFC wristbands suitable for various applications. They are used in access control, manajemén kaanggotaan, payment tracking, and pet/lost tracking. These bracelets can be customized with colors, logo printing, and accept QR codes, serial numbers, barcodes, embossing, debossing, and laser printing. They are suitable for hospitals, schools, libraries, and other locations. Applications include access control, work progress tracking, tool management, and inventory control. These wristbands can increase productivity, kaamanan, and financial gains in various sectors. A free sample is available.

Kirim surélék ka Kami

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Programmable RFID Bracelet are suitable for beaches, kolam renang, water parks, spas, gim, sports clubs, and any other RFID access control applications that require a waterproof NFC wristband. NFC programmable RFID wristbands are IP68 waterproof, durable, environmentally friendly, heat-resistant, and anti-allergic.

All of our NFC-programmable RFID wristbands are equipped with 125 kHz LF, 13.56 MHz HF, and UHF ICs. Widely used in access control, manajemén kaanggotaan, payment tracking, pet/lost tracking, jsb. Our NFC PVC wristband bracelets can provide customized wristband colors and customized LOGO printing. NFC PVC wristband bracelets all accept unique QR codes, serial numbers, barcodes, embossing, debossing, laser printing, and other process options.

Programmable RFID Bracelet


RFID Bracelet Parameter

Bahan PVC002
Ukuran 238*25*15mm
Warna Beureum, Biru, Hideung, Purple, Orange, Héjo, Bodas, Konéng, or customized color.
IC chips in 125Khz EM4200, T5577, Hitag 1, Hitag 2, Hitag
IC chips in 13.56MHz MF Classic 1K, MF Classic 4K, MF Ultralight, I-CODE2, F08, jsb.
IC chips in 860~960Mhz UCODE GEN2, ALIEN H3, IMPINJ M4, ect.
Chip craft data En-codable ( URL, Number, téks, or name) and chip encryption.
Available craft Logo silk printing, laser numbering or UID number, encoding, jsb.
Protokol ISO 11784/11785 14443A/ ISO 15693 /ISO18000-6C
Read Distance 0-10m (vary to different readers & environment).
Working Temperature -50°C~240°C
Main Feature Soft, flexible, and convenient to wear. Tahan cai, quakeproof, and high temperature resistant.
Application Hospital for mother and baby care; Swimming poor; Concert; Event;

Kontrol aksés, patient identification, event ticketing, gaming and identity, hotel management, exhibition events, jsb.

Samples A free sample is available.

Programmable RFID Bracelet01


Application of Programmable RFID Bracelet

  1. Kontrol Aksés: Businesses, schools, libraries, and other locations may govern admission and departure via the use of programmable RFID wristbands. The card reader can authenticate the user’s identification and determine whether to grant him entry by reading the precise information contained in the wristband. This approach streamlines identification verification while also enhancing security.
    Work Progress Tracking: Certain workplaces allow staff members to monitor their progress by wearing programmable RFID wristbands. The company’s internal system may be linked to the wristband in order to track data about workers’ working hours and job fulfillment. This helps managers to enhance workflow, boost productivity, and keep an eye on workers’ job status in real-time.
  2. Tool Management: Programmable RFID wristbands might be crucial in sectors like manufacturing and aircraft maintenance that have to keep track of a lot of tools or equipment. Businesses are able to trace the whereabouts and use of tools in real-time by affixing RFID tags to tools or equipment and matching them with wristbands. This increases the effectiveness of tool usage while lowering tool loss and damage.
    Inventory Control: Programmable RFID wristbands may be used for a variety of purposes in inventory management. Businesses may get real-time information about the amount, location, and condition of goods by affixing RFID tags to inventory items and matching them with wristbands. This lowers inventory costs, enhances inventory turnover, and reduces backlogs and out-of-stocks.
  3. Applications for programmable RFID wristbands include inventory control, tool management, job progress monitoring, and access control. These apps have the potential to increase productivity and safety at work while also providing businesses with greater financial gains. Programmable RFID wristbands will be used and pushed in more sectors as technology advances.

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1. How much of an order do you need to place?
There is a 100-piece minimum order quantity.
2. When will you be able to deliver?
Our standard delivery time ranges from 1 ka 7 poé gawé, depending on the particular needs and amount of the order.
3. How are you going to ship?
Depending on the size of the order, we may send it by air or sea using DHL, FedEx, TNT, UPS, or another carrier.
4. What forms of payment is your business accepting?
We accept PayPal, Western Union, and T/T as forms of payment.
How can I make an order with you? 5.
Purchase orders may be sent directly to our sales department, and upon receipt of the order, a proforma invoice will be sent to you.

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Gedong industri abu-abu ageung sareng seueur windows biru-tinted sareng dua lawang utama nangtung bangga dina kaayaan anu jelas, langit biru. Ditandaan ku logo "PBZ Business Park," eta embodies urang "Ngeunaan Kami" misi nyadiakeun solusi bisnis Premier.

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