Pamaca telepon sélulér RFID


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Pamaca telepon sélulér RFID

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The RS65D is a contactless Android RFID mobile phone reader that connects to the Android system using a Type-C port. It is free and pluggable, making it suitable for various applications. It can also connect to a computer via an OTG cable, making it easier to connect between an Android phone and a computer. The device is suitable for RFID systems like automated parking management, personal identification, and access control.

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RS65D is a 125Khz contactless Android RFID Mobile phone reader, Using the reader TYPE-C port connect the device to the Android system, Free and pluggable without power. Beautifully designed, it’s not only a simple aspect but also stable and reliable data.

Di sisi anu sanésna, it can connect to a computer by an OTG cable, It’s easier to transform between an Android phone and a Computer (Type-c port turns into a USB port). Widely used for RFID Radio Frequency Identification systems and projects, Such as Automated parking management systems, Personal identification, Access controllers, Production Access control, jsb

Pamaca telepon sélulér RFID


Basic parameters:

project parameter
Working frequency 125Khz
Card reader type Em4100,TK4100,SMC4001 and compatible card
Operating Voltage 5V
Reading distance 0mm-100mm(related to the card or the environment)
Card reading speed 0.2s
Dimensions 35mm×35mm×7mm (without interface)

71mm×71mm×19mm (packaging)

Communication Interface Type-c
Operating temperature -20℃~70℃
Working current 100mA
Card reading time <100ms
Reading distance 0.5S
weight About 20G (Without Package)

About 50G (With Package)

operating system Win XP\Win CE\Win 7\Win 10\LIUNX\Vista\Android(Test brands: Samsung, Sony, vivo, Xiaomi)
other Status indicator: 2-color LED (” biru ” power LED, ” hejo ” status indicator)

Output format: default 10 digits decimal (4 bytes), support customized output format.

RFID Mobile phone reader02


Usage and precautions

1. How to use/install

After inserting the card reader into an Android system platform such as a mobile phone/tablet, the indicator light of the card reader turns “biru”, indicating that the card reader has entered the state of waiting for card swiping.

Test method: Open the output software of the Android system platform such as mobile phones/tablets (such as editors such as memos/messages), and move the label close to the card reader, that is, the card number will be automatically displayed at the cursor, and the carriage return function will be provided. As shown:

How to use/install


2. Matters needing attention

  • Android system requirements such as mobile phones: OTG function
  • If the reading distance of the card reader is too long, it will cause the card reading to be unstable or fail. Avoid reading the card in a critical state (the distance just to be able to read the card). At the same time, two adjacent card readers will also interfere with each other.
  • There are many factors that affect the card reading distance. Different protocols, different antenna designs, surrounding environments (mainly metal objects), and different cards will all affect the actual card reading distance.
  • The way of reading the card, it is recommended to use the card directly facing the card reader and approach it naturally. The card reading method that quickly swipes the card from the side is not advisable and does not guarantee the success of the card.
  • No response when swiping the card: Whether the interface is inserted properly; whether the radio frequency card is the corresponding label; whether the radio frequency card is broken; whether another radio frequency card is in the card reading range.

card reader into an Android syste

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