RFID Nail Tag

RFID Nail Tag (1)

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RFID Nail Tag are a unique design that combines an ABS shell with an internal RFID transponder, providing physical protection and enhanced durability. They are widely used in various fields due to their rust-proof performance, strong applicability, long-term stability, waterproof/dustproof properties, and multi-band support. RFID nail tags are fast and safe to install, highly reliable, and can be used in various environments. They are particularly useful in logistics, property tracking, timber and wood product tracking, trash can management, industrial parts management, and forestry research. With continuous development, RFID technology is expected to play a greater role in more fields.

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RFID nail tag is a specially designed RFID (radio frequency identification) tag that combines an ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) shell with an internal sturdy RFID transponder. This design not only provides physical protection but also enhances the durability and performance of RFID tags under a variety of environmental conditions.
RFID nail tags have been widely used in multiple fields due to their unique design and performance. It not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of management but also provides a reliable solution for various application scenarios. With the continuous development and improvement of RFID technology, it is believed that RFID nail tags will play a greater role in more fields.

RFID Nail Tag


Performance Specifications
Model NT001
Protokol ISO 18000-6C(EPC gen2)/ISO15693
Frequency Range 860MHz-960MHz or 13.56MHz or 125KHz
Jenis chip Alien H3 or Impinj M5 ,incode six ,tk4100 ,ntag213
Working mode Read and Write
Reading distance 50cm (related to reader and antenna)
Data Memory time 50 years
Write times 100000 times
Anti-collision Sumuhun
Physical Specification
Dimension 36x6mm ,tail:8mm
Base material ABS
Installing mode Nail into tree
Working Temp -40℃~+85℃
Storage Temp -40℃~+100℃
Weight 0.35g

RFID Nail Tag01


  1. Rust-proof performance: The special design of the ABS shell and internal transponder makes RFID nail tags have excellent rust-proof performance in humid and chemical environments, ensuring the long-term stability of the tag under harsh conditions.
  2. Strong applicability: Due to its compact design and sturdy structure, the RFID nail tag is particularly suitable for narrow spaces such as wood, wood products, trash cans, and industrial parts.
  3. Long-term stability: Even in fluctuating temperature environments, the tag can maintain stable performance, which is achieved by its moisture resistance and stable performance under extreme temperatures.
  4. Completely waterproof/dustproof: This feature enables RFID nail tags to be used in a variety of outdoor and indoor environments without worrying about the impact of moisture and dust on the tags.
  5. Multi-band support: RFID nail tags are suitable for multiple frequency bands, including 125 kHz, 13.56 MHz, and UHF 860-960 MHz, which enables it to meet the needs of different applications.

Advantages of RFID nail tags


Advantages of RFID nail tags

  • Fast and safe installation: The unique design of RFID nail tags allows them to be easily and quickly installed on target objects, such as trees or wood. Its structural characteristics ensure that it is almost impossible to remove after installation, thus ensuring the durability of the tag and the integrity of the data.
  • Reliabiliti luhur: RFID nail tags have excellent durability and can operate stably in various harsh environments. Its high resistance to moisture, thermal fluctuations, geteran, and shock ensures that the tags can maintain their performance and reliability whether in a humid forest environment or on the processing line of the factory.
  • Comprehensive records: With RFID nail tags, we can record all key information during the growth of trees, such as planting date, growth environment, maintenance conditions, jsb., starting from seedlings. These records not only help scientific research and forestry management but also provide an important basis for wood traceability and quality assessment.
  • Accurate tracking: In the field of wood processing and furniture manufacturing, the application of RFID nail tags makes the tracking and management of wood simple and efficient. Furniture factories can easily know which places have better quality wood and are suitable for making high-end furniture, thereby improving the quality and competitiveness of products. At the same time, this also facilitates the inventory management of wood and reduces waste and loss.

Application areas


Application areas

  1. Supply chain management: In logistics and warehousing, RFID nail tags can be used to track and identify goods to improve management efficiency and accuracy.
  2. Property tracking management: For properties that require long-term tracking and management, such as tools, parabot, jsb., RFID nail tags provide a reliable and convenient solution.
  3. Timber and wood product tracking management: Since wood and wood products usually have irregular shapes and sizes, RFID nail tags can be easily embedded in them to achieve tracking and management.
  4. Trash can management: In smart city construction, RFID nail tags can be used to identify and track trash cans to help sort and recycle garbage.
  5. Industrial parts management: In manufacturing, RFID nail tags can be used to track and manage industrial parts to ensure the smooth operation of production lines and product quality.
  6. Forestry and research applications: In forestry research, RFID nail tags can be used to mark live trees for long-term tracking and research of tree growth and changes.


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