RFID Silicone Keyfob

An RFID Silicone Keyfob in blue, attached to a metal key ring and chain, isolated on a white background.

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The RFID Silicone Keyfob is a comfortable, non-slip, and wear-resistant product with a built-in RFID chip for access control and item tracking. Available in various colors, it is suitable for both office and daily life. It can be used for parking lot management, attendance tracking, and bus payment. The manufacturer offers customized products and free samples.

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The RFID silicone keychain is made of soft silicone material, which is comfortable to the touch, non-slip and wear-resistant, and suitable for long-term wear. A variety of colors are available, such as blue, beureum, hideung, jsb., to meet the personalized needs of users. The built-in RFID chip can quickly communicate with the RFID reader and writer to realize various functions such as access control and item tracking, bringing users a convenient and efficient experience. Whether in the office or in daily life, the RFID Silicone Keyfob is an indispensable small item.

RFID Silicone Keyfob



  • Key card type; small and elegant design; convenient to use and carry; resistant to high temperatures; waterproof; moisture-proof; shockproof; Able to package low-frequency chips (125 KHz) such as Hitag 1, Hitag 2, Hitag S, TK4100, EM4200, T5577, teras salajengna.
  • High-frequency chips that are packaged and operate at 13.56MHz, such as FM11RF08, Mifare1 S50, Mifare1 S70, Ultralight, NTAG203, I-CODE2, TI2048, SRI512, teras salajengna.
  • UHF chips in packages (860MHz-960MHz): IMPINJ M4, ALIEN H3, UCODE GEN2, jsb.
  • Operating temperature: -30°C to 75°C · Scope of application: parking lot management, attendance tracking, bus payment, community access control, one-card payment, jsb.


Packing method

  1. Strip weight: 6.0g/piece
  2. Packaging: 100 pieces into an OOP bag, 20 OPP bags into a box, that is, 2000 pieces/box
  3. Box dimensions: 320 x 240 x 235 mm;
  4. Net weight: 12 kg each box;
  5. Gross weight: 12.5 kg per case;



Q1.are you a manufacturer?
Leres pisan. Our plant is situated in Quanzhou, Fujian, and we have over 20 years of experience in this field.

Q2. May I come to see your business?
A: Of course, you’re welcome to stop by our facility; we’re excited to see you! For any assistance, please get in touch with our sales.

Q3: Do you provide customized products?
A: We do provide OEM or ODM services, enya.

Q4. Do you provide free samples?
Free samples are always available if there is a supply.

Q5: How is payment made?
A: For a formal order, T/T is OK. Paypal is accepted for modest orders and samples.
Guarantee: If any items malfunction, free replacements will be sent!

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