RF Jewelry Soft Label


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A plain background showcases an RF Jewelry Soft Label in white, featuring a rectangular shape and a flexible extension strip.

Kort beskrivning:

RF Jewelry Soft Label is a popular anti-theft solution for various retail stores, reducing theft risk and ensuring product safety. It is easily attached to goods and works with EAS tags, which deter theft. These tags can reduce loss rates by 50% till 90%, improving profitability and operational efficiency, and increasing customer satisfaction.

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RF Jewelry Soft Label, with its high efficiency and convenience, has become a new anti-theft choice for major department stores, supermarkets, retail stores, high-end boutiques, drug stores, and libraries. By being easily attached to goods and used in conjunction with the anti-theft detection system in the store, RF jewelry soft tags effectively reduce the risk of theft, ensure the safety of goods, and also provide retailers with more reliable business guarantees.

RF Jewelry Soft Label RF Jewelry Soft Label01



Product name Jewelry anti-theft label
Model Number EC-OP303
Frekvens 8.2mhz
Material Paper+coil
Type blank, with a barcode
Feature one-time used
Fungera Antishoplifting
Ansökan Jewelry shop, Eyewear store, Glasses shop
Product Dimension 30*30mm
CTN weight 12.5kgs
CTN size 470*330*180mm
Working distance 0.9~1.2m
Packing 500 sheets/roll, 20rolls/ctn

RF Jewelry Soft Label

EAS tags, or electronic articles surveillance tags, are an essential part of the Electronic Article Surveillance System (EAS system) and are intended to deter the theft of commodities. These tags, which are often tiny, may be attached or plastered on items like clothes, electronics, books, och så vidare. Inside of them is a signal transmitter. The tag will send a signal to the EAS antenna placed at the entrance and exit of the store when the goods are removed without being processed by the cashier (that is, without payment or without removing the tag), which will set off the alarm system to notify staff members of potential theft.

EAS tags are unnecessary for who?

EAS systems and accompanying tags may help stores experiencing product loss by lowering loss rates. Retail establishments, supermarkets, bookshops, electronics stores, etc. are examples of this, but they’re not the only ones. Businesses may often cut product loss rates by 50% till 90% by employing high-quality EAS tags and antennae. This is a significant improvement in the profitability and operational efficiency of businesses. Additionally, by letting consumers know that the company has taken anti-theft precautions, EAS systems may help retailers increase customer satisfaction.

RF Jewelry Soft Label04


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