Mifare RFID bracelet


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A Mifare RFID bracelet in red, featuring a white RFID symbol and text.

Короткий опис:

Mifare RFID bracelets are high-quality RFID wristbands used in various fields, including access control systems, micropayments, ідентифікація, hospital management, resorts, басейни, events, festivals, and amusement parks. They are made of materials like silicone, Tyvek, plastic, synthetic paper, and woven/fabric and support different frequencies. The bracelets can be customized with screen printing, serial number printing, laser engraving, color filling, and protective oil. They are waterproof, quakeproof, soft, flexible, and convenient to wear. They are compatible with LF 125KHz, HF 13.56MHz, NFC, and UHF 860-960MHz frequencies. To maintain and care for the bracelet, users should avoid scratching its surface, keep it away from liquids or water, and contact after-sales support if needed.

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Деталі продукту

Mifare RFID bracelets are widely used in many fields, including access control systems, micropayments, ідентифікація, hospital management, resorts, басейни, events, festivals, and amusement parks. Fujian RFID solution provider is able to supply high-quality RFID wristbands made of various materials such as silicone, Tyvek, plastic, synthetic paper, and woven/fabric. These wristbands support different frequencies, including LF 125KHz, HF 13.56MHz, NFC, and UHF 860-960MHz. We always welcome customerscustomized needs.

For RFID silicone wristbands, we have a variety of frequencies such as LF/HF/UHF to choose from. In terms of personalization technology, we offer options such as screen printing, serial number printing, laser engraving, color filling, and protective oil.

Mifare RFID bracelet



  • матеріал: Made of 100% silicone and embedded transponder
  • Available sizes: Adult (21.6cm), Teen (19cm), Child (16cm)
  • Can be embossed, debossed, and/or printed in one color
  • RFID inlay: Mifare 1K, Mifare UL EV1, Fudan 1108, Icode Slix. Other chips available on request

RFID bracelet

Параметри продукту

Materials Silicone
Dimension Oval dia 65mm or customized
Colors Білий, Red, Синій, Зелений, Жовтий, Orange, Purple or customized
Частота LF 125KHz HF 13.56MHz  
IC EM4100 / T5577 / etc. Mifare Ultralight / Ntag213 / ICODE SLIX / etc.  
Протокол / ISO14443A/B ISO15693  
Reading Distance 2-8cm 1-8cm  
Processing Technologies Silkscreen Print, Laser Engraving, Embossing & Debossing, Fill Colors, Protection Oil, etc.
Operating Temperature -10℃ to 60℃
Storage Temperature -30℃ to 85℃
Humidity 40% до 80% RH
Main Features Водостійкий, Quakeproof, Soft, Flexible, Convenient Wearing, etc.
застосування Access Control, Micropayment, Water Parks, Theme Parks, Fun Park, Concerts, Festivals, Resorts, Nightclubs, Sporting Venues, etc.


FAQ about Mifare RFID bracelets

1. Is a Mifare RFID bracelet what it is?

The Mifare RFID bracelet is an RFID device that utilizes Mifare technology for radio frequency identification. It may be used to a number of situations to provide secure, practical, and effective services, including identity identification, micropayments, and access control systems.

2. What benefits does the Mifare RFID wristband offer?

The following are some benefits of a Mifare RFID bracelet:
High security: To guarantee the security of data transfer, use cutting-edge encryption technology.
зручність: Wearing the bracelet allows users to perform pertinent actions without the need to carry additional cards or devices.
Довговічність: The bracelet is very durable for extended usage since it is composed of premium materials.
Customizability: To suit each user’s unique demands, the bracelet allows for customized modification in terms of color, pattern, LOGO, and other elements.

3. Which frequencies are supported by the Mifare RFID bracelet?

The Mifare RFID bracelet is compatible with a wide range of frequencies, such as LF 125KHz, HF 13.56MHz, NFC, and UHF 860-960MHz. Different frequency bracelets are appropriate for various application situations; users are free to choose the one that best suits their requirements.

4. How can the Mifare RFID bracelet be customized?

The Mifare RFID bracelet may be customized in a number of ways, such as by screen printing, printing the serial number, laser engraving, adding protective oil and color, etc. To get a bespoke design for the bracelet, users may choose an appropriate modification approach based on their own requirements.

5. Under what conditions are Mifare RFID wristbands often utilized?

У відповідь, Mifare RFID wristbands have been widely used in a variety of settings, such as hospital administration, resorts, басейни, events, festivals, and amusement parks. They have also been employed extensively in micropayments, ідентифікація, and access control systems. It offers consumers a safe, effective, and convenient service experience.

6. How should the Mifare RFID bracelet be maintained and cared for?

Відповідь: To ensure optimal functionality of the Mifare RFID wristband, users should be mindful of the following:

To avoid scratching the bracelet’s surface, keep it away from sharp objects.
To avoid damaging the internal circuit, keep the bracelet away from liquids or water for extended periods of time.
To maintain your bracelet neat and orderly, wipe its surface on a regular basis.
Please contact after-sales support as soon as possible for a repair or replacement if the bracelet breaks or stops functioning correctly.

7. How far away can you read and write on a Mifare RFID bracelet?

The answer is that a variety of parameters, including the bracelet’s type, frequency, and card reader capability, affect the reading and writing distance of an RFID bracelet. Mifare RFID wristbands can read and write at distances of a few millimeters to tens of centimeters, on average. Users are able to choose the right model and configuration based on their own requirements.

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