RFID Keyfob

A key fob contains a short-range radio transmitter/radio frequency identification (RFID) chip and antenna. It uses radio frequencies to send a distinct coded signal to a receiver unit in the device. This receiver also contains an RFID tag, which is some form of stored information. RFID key fobs have the same functionality as RFID smart cards. Biroq, RFID kalitlari, also referred to as smart keys or simply RFID key fobs, are much more compact, practical and robust. Thanks to these features and their intuitive handling, the smart keys are often used in the areas of access control and time recording. Further advantages of the RFID key fob are the extremely high durability and their robustness against external influences.


Tanlangan mahsulotlar

So'nggi yangiliklar

Image of seven Key Fob 125kHz (1) units in various colors: ko'k, yashil, pushti, binafsha, light green, kulrang, va sariq; arranged in two rows. Each fob is teardrop-shaped with a metal keyring.

Key Fob 125khz

The key fob 125khz RFID keychain is a practical and stylish solution for RFID applications. It can be customized to customer specifications, with options for color and logo. Fujian RFID

Two units of the nfc key fob, which feature round blue plastic tags with metal rings, are arranged side by side to provide convenient access via their NFC functionality.

NFC Key Fob

NFC key fobs are lightweight, rugged, portable transponders with unique IDs that work on a variety of frequencies. Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Ltd. is a high-tech company specializing in the

Two key fob NFCs in gray, featuring metallic key rings and NFC technology, rest on a white background.

key fob NFC

Key fob NFC is a compact, engil vaznli, and wirelessly compatible keychain that allows data transfer, mobile payment, and access control unlocking with just one touch. Its unique design and bespoke

To'rtta 125 kHz RFID kaliti tasviri, ikkita binafsha va ikkita ko'k fobga ega. Har bir rang juftligi bitta markaziy diskli va ochiq halqali tuzilmali bitta kalit fobni o'z ichiga oladi.

125khz RFID Key Fob

Our company specializes in manufacturing high-quality, multi-purpose RFID key fobs using various chip technologies, including 125khz RFID Key fobs. Provide personalized customization, multi-band support, flexible design, and first-class encoding services.

A set of five RFID for key fobs (1) in blue, qizil, qora, grey, and dark blue, each equipped with a metal keyring.

RFID For Key Fob

RFID For Key Fob is a customizable contactless smart card with 1 Kbyte storage space divided into 16 tarmoqlar. Its small size and unique serial numbers ensure precision and security.

Sakkizta maxsus RFID kalit foblari qatori, qora rangda mavjud, yashil, binafsha, pushti, qizil, sariq, kulrang, va to'q sariq rangga ega, yonma-yon joylashtirilgan. Har bir kalitning tepasiga kumush uzuk biriktirilgan.

Maxsus RFID kalit Fob

Maxsus RFID kalit Fob almashtirilishi mumkin, engil vaznli, and waterproof keychain tag designed for various access control, qatnashish, to'lov, and security needs. It is compatible with all door entry

Three mifare keyfobs (1) in blue, qizil, va sariq, each with an oval shape and a metal key ring attached.

Mifare Keyfobs

The Mifare two-chip RFID Mifare Keyfobs is a practical, effective, and safe identity and verification solution for various devices operating at 13.56 MHz or 125 kHz. It offers wide compatibility

The 125khz key fob (1) is yellow with a metal keyring attached, displayed against a white background.

125khz kalit Fob

Fujian RFID Solution Co.,Ltd is a reliable Access Control Cards manufacturer in China, offering 125khz Key Fob for various applications such as warehouse management, avtomobil boshqaruvi, logistika boshqaruvi, asset management,…

Ikki yashil plastik Multi RFID Keyfob (1) dumaloq metall markazlari va oq fonda biriktirilgan kalit halqalari bilan.

Multi Rfid Keyfob

Multi Rfid Keyfob kirishni boshqarish kabi turli xil ilovalarda ishlatilishi mumkin, davomat nazorati, identifikatsiya, logistika, sanoatni avtomatlashtirish, chiptalar, kazino tokenlari, aʼzolik, jamoat transporti, elektron to'lovlar, suzish havzalari, va…

Kichkina, dumaloq, qora qopqoqli portativ oyna ochiq, ni aks ettiradi 13.56 MGts kalitli fob (1) uning yonida.

13.56 MHz kalit Fob

13.56 Mhz Key Fob odatda jamoat markazlari va turar-joy binolarida kirishni nazorat qilish va xavfsizlik uchun ishlatiladi. Past chastotali RFID tizimlari, ATA5577 va TK4100 kabi, induktiv birikma orqali aloqa qiladi,…

Ko'p sonli ko'k rangli derazalari va ikkita asosiy kirish eshigi bo'lgan katta kulrang sanoat binosi ochiq osmon ostida g'urur bilan turibdi., moviy osmon. "PBZ Business Park" logotipi bilan belgilangan," u bizning "Biz haqimizda" asosiy biznes yechimlarini taqdim etish missiyasi.

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