Access Control Key Fob


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Three access control key fobs, each featuring a smiling face: one in red, one in yellow, and one in blue. Attached to metal key rings, these fobs add a quirky and joyful touch to your keys.

Qisqacha tavsif:

The Access Control Key Fob is an RFID keyfob compatible with EM-Marine-enabled card readers, allowing access to secure areas. It consists of an ABS shell, a chip, and an antenna. Its size, shape, and memory can be customized. Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Ltd. offers various RFID keychains with customization options for various applications.

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Mahsulot detali

The Access Control Key Fob is compatible with EM-Marine-enabled card readers. The key fob works at 125 kHz. Hajmi: 36×25 mm. Rang: ko'k, sariq, qizil, qora, etc. The Access Control Key Fob is a convenient and efficient way to access secured areas. These rfid key fobs are easy to carry and can be attached to a keychain for quick access. The EM-Marine technology ensures that the key fob is compatible with a wide range of access control systems.

An RFID keyfob is a small device that utilizes radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to communicate with an RFID reader. It is often used to grant access to secure areas, such as buildings or parking lots. The key fob contains a small RFID chip.
The Access Control Key Fob is composed of an ABS shell, a chip, and an antenna. The chip code can be laser engraved or spray-painted on one side, which can save time checking the ID code of each key fob holder, greatly improving management efficiency. RFID ABS keychains are widely used in RFID management applications such as access control, shaxsni tan olish, loyalty systems, etc.

Access Control Key Fob


Access Control Key Fob Parameters

Production Name RFID ABS Keyfob
Material ABS
Chop etish opsiyasi Customized printing & shape are available
Protokol ISO7815/14443A/15693
Chips LF/HF According to customer requirements
Hajmi customized sizes & shapes are available
Memory 144/504/888/1K Bytes
Working temperature -40℃ – 85 ℃
Related products PVC RFID keychain, leather keychain, etc
Ilova Hotel& Access control& Door key& Ticket& Payment

Access Control Key Fob size



Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Ltd. offers a variety of RFID keychains with many different customization options to suit the image you want your brand to represent. Whether you are purchasing keychains for your gym, clubhouse, leisure center, or school, we are sure to find the perfect solution for you.


The different keychain styles available include:

  • standard
  • lightbulb style
  • square style
  • Teardrop
  • Leather


Customization options include:

  • screen printing
  • Laser etching
  • Logotip chop etish
  • serial number

All of our wristbands can be used on the following frequencies, shu jumladan:

  • Low-frequency 125KHz chip
  • High-frequency 13.56MHz chip
  • UHF 860-960MHz chip

If you are interested in our RFID keychains, please contact us for a free quote and artwork confirmation.


Access control keychain benefits:

  1. Qulaylik: The access control keychain combines the key and access card, making it easy to carry and use.
  2. Xavfsizlik: RFID technology prevents unauthorized entrance and provides strong security and anti-counterfeiting.
  3. Multifunction: It may be used as a keychain and an access card, making it handy to carry keys.
  4. Chidamlilik: High-quality materials make it wear-resistant and long-lasting.
  5. Customers may create access control keychains with various forms, colors, and LOGOs to boost the business brand.
  6. Access control keychains are cheaper to produce and administer than standard access cards and suited for large-scale applications.
  7. Easy to handle: Connect the access control keychain to the system to manage and monitor staff entrance and exit.
  8. Eco-friendly: The access control keychain uses passiv RFID technology without batteries.


Ilova stsenariylari:

Access control key chains are widely used in various scenarios. In corporate office buildings, employees can use access control key chains to enter and exit the building conveniently and quickly without carrying additional access cards or keys. In schools, students and faculty can use access control key chains to enter different areas on campus to achieve campus security management. In residential communities, residents can use access control key chains to enter and exit the community gate or building to ensure the safety and management of the community. Regardless of the scenario, access control key chains can provide a convenient and safe way to enter and exit, and are widely welcomed and applied by users.


Technical principle:

The working principle of access control key chains is based on RFID (Radiochastotani aniqlash) texnologiya. Each access control key chain has a built-in RFID chip, which contains a unique identification number. When the access control system reads the RFID chip on the access control key chain, it will identify the number and compare it with the pre-stored access control permissions. If the permissions match, the access control system will turn on the access control device and allow the cardholder to enter. This access control system based on RFID technology is efficient, safe, and contactless, and is widely used in various access control scenarios.

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