Industrial RFID Tags


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Industrial RFID Tags

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Industrial RFID Tags use radiofrequency signals to identify target items and gather data without human interaction. They have electronic codes and can monitor, identify, and manage objects. They are widely used in industrial areas for real-time inventory monitoring, aktivlar boshqaruvi, and automation. RFID technology is increasingly used in Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing, supporting intelligent object management and intelligent tracking.

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Radiofrequency signals are used by Industrial RFID Tags, a contactless automated identification technology, to identify target items and gather pertinent data. Human interaction is not necessary for the identification procedure. Industrial RFID tags have their own electronic code and are made up of coupling components and chips. In addition to having user-writable storage space, high-capacity electronic tags may be affixed to items in order to identify specific things. These tags have the ability to monitor, identify, and manage objects by sending data from RFID tags to readers via radio waves.

RFID tags are extensively employed in the industrial area. Masalan; misol uchun, RFID tags may be attached to objects to provide real-time inventory monitoring and asset management in inventory and asset management. Factories are able to swiftly search and identify the necessary components as well as properly identify which things are on the manufacturing line and which are in inventory. RFID technology may also be utilized to provide precise real-time data, automate industrial processes, and assist managers in making prompt choices. The position, status, and movement of products may be monitored, and manufacturing line efficiency can be increased by strategically installing RFID readers.

RFID technology will be used in industrial production more often as Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing develop. In the context of industrial Internet and digital twins, RFID tags can achieve intelligent item identification, kuzatish, management, control, and monitoring. Natijada, they are becoming a crucial support for achieving intelligent object management.

Industrial RFID Tags

Functional Specifications

RFID protokoli: Supports EPC Class 1 Gen 2 and ISO 18000-6C standards
Frequency Range:

AQSh: 902-928MHZ
EI: 865-868MHZ

IC Type: Adopts NXP UCODE 8 chip

Memory Configuration:

EPC: 128 bits
USER: 0 bits
TID: 96 bits

Write Endurance: Supports at least 100,000 write operations

Functional Features:

Supports read and write operations
Data retention period up to 50 years
Applicable to metal surfaces

Read Range:

Fixed Reader:
AQSh: Up to 11.0m
EI: Up to 10.0m
Qo'lda o'quvchi:
AQSh: Up to 5.5m
EI: Up to 5.0m

Warranty: 1-year limited warranty

Physical Specifications


Length: 69.0mm
Width: 23.0mm
Aperture and quantity: D5.2mm, 2 in total

Thickness: 7.0mm

Material: ABS+PC composite material

Rang: Oq (or other colors available)

Installation method: Support adhesive, screw fixing, or binding

Weight: 10.8g


Environmental Specification:

  1. IP ​​Rating: IP68
  2. Storage Temperature: -40°С to +85°С
  3. Operation Temperature: -25°С to +85°С
  4. Certifications: Reach Approved, RoHS Approved, CE Approved, ATEX Approved.


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