Kir yuvish RFID


Tanlangan mahsulotlar

So'nggi yangiliklar

Four circular discs, resembling Laundry RFID tags, are stacked on a white background.

Qisqacha tavsif:

20 mm diametrli, PPS-ga asoslangan HF NTAG® 213 kir yuvish yorlig'i - yuviladigan RFID NFC tanga yorlig'i (NTAG® NXP B.V.ning roʻyxatdan oʻtgan savdo belgisidir., litsenziya asosida foydalaniladi). With its numerous benefits—such as being waterproof, shockproof, moisture-proof, and resistant to high temperatures—this device can function steadily in a variety of challenging conditions. It is very convenient for integration since it comes in a range of sizes and is simple to include into other items.

Bizga elektron pochta xabarini yuboring

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Mahsulot detali

20 mm diametrli, PPS-ga asoslangan HF NTAG® 213 kir yuvish yorlig'i - yuviladigan RFID NFC tanga yorlig'i (NTAG® NXP B.V.ning roʻyxatdan oʻtgan savdo belgisidir., litsenziya asosida foydalaniladi). With its numerous benefits—such as being waterproof, shockproof, moisture-proof, and resistant to high temperatures—this device can function steadily in a variety of challenging conditions. It is very convenient for integration since it comes in a range of sizes and is simple to include into other items.

PPS laundry coin tags are extensively used in several sectors, including laundry, medical logistics, fabric printing and dyeing, and the usage of RFID technology in hotels, spas, retirement communities, sports clubs, laundromats, and linen management. Complete life cycle control of the textile may be accomplished by inserting these tags into every textile.

This tag can efficiently track the whole textile leasing and washing business process in addition to tracking the delivery, washing, storing, and transportation of textiles in real time, guaranteeing that every connection is traceable and controlled. Customers get better services as a result, and company management becomes more efficient. Businesses may better understand the dynamics of textiles, allocate resources optimally, save waste, and enhance customer happiness by using PPS laundry coin tags.

Kir yuvish RFID



Maxsus xususiyatlar Suv o'tkazmaydigan; suvga chidamli / Weatherproof, MINI TAG
Communication Interface RFID, NFC
Place of Origin Xitoy
Brand Name OEM
Model Number PPS COIN TAG
Chip NTAG® 213
Hajmi 20×2.2mm
Thickness 2.2mm
Material High temperature resistance PPS material
Protokol ISO 14443A
Rang Qora
Chastotasi 13.56MHz
Memory 144 Byte
Working Temperature -25℃-85℃
Storage Temperature -20℃-180℃

Kir yuvish RFID 01



Are you a manufacturing or a trade company?
A factory is what we are.
What’s the duration of your delivery time?
A: It usually takes three to seven days if it is in stock. It will take 8 uchun 20 kunlar, depending on the amount, if it is not in stock.
Do you provide samples, please? Is it free, or is there an additional cost?
A: We are happy to provide samples at no cost to you, but please cover the cost of shipping.
What terms do you have for payments?
A: 100% prepaid payment of less than $1,000 USD.
B: Payment >= $1000 USD; 30% prepaid T/T; remaining amount due prior to shipping.
What does the post-purchase service entail?
A: Our quality control staff inspects every product to make sure it meets all standards before shipping. We will replace any damaged products you receive. Every thing we offer is our responsibility.


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