RFID Key Fob Tag


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The image displays three "RFID Key Fob Tag (1)" items in various colors: sariq, blue with a white center, and solid blue. These key fobs are likely intended for identification or electronic applications.

Qisqacha tavsif:

RFID Key Fob Tags are versatile devices used for various applications, kirishni boshqarish, shu jumladan, davomat nazorati, identifikatsiya, logistika, sanoatni avtomatlashtirish, va boshqalar. They are made of materials like PVC, ABS, and Epoxy, and can be customized with logo printing or serial numbers. They are CE, FCC, and RoHS certified. The minimum order quantity is 200 pieces, and samples are available.

Bizga elektron pochta xabarini yuboring

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Mahsulot detali

RFID Key Fob Tags are suitable for a variety of application needs and can usually be used for access control, davomat nazorati, identifikatsiya, logistika, sanoatni avtomatlashtirish, chiptalar, kazino tokenlari, aʼzolik, jamoat transporti, elektron to'lovlar, suzish havzalari, va kir yuvish xonalari. Furthermore, RFID Key Fob Tags are durable and waterproof, making them ideal for outdoor and rugged environments. Qo'shimcha, their compact size and ease of use make them a popular choice for businesses and organizations looking to implement key fob technology for secure and convenient access management. With the ability to store and transmit data electronically, key fob technology has revolutionized the way businesses and facilities manage and control access for their employees, members, and customers.

NFC uses electromagnetic radio waves to transfer data between devices. Access control panels, tags, and tag readers are further components of NFC-based access control systems. Key cards, key fobs, and cell phones all include NFC tags.

RFID Key Fob Tag


RFID Key Fob Tag Parameters

Material PVX, ABS, Epoksi, etc.
Chastotasi 125KHz/13,56 MGts/NFC
Chop etish opsiyasi Logotip chop etish, Seriya raqamlari
Mavjud chip Customized
Rang Qora, Oq, Yashil, Moviy, etc.
Ilova Kirish nazorati tizimi
Sertifikatlash Idoralar; FCC; RoHS


Instructions for programming RFID

  1. Push the button located on the lock’s rear.
  2. The lock emits a tick signal.
  3. Within three seconds, momentarily hold the programming card against the lock.
  4. The programming card has now been correctly allocated, as indicated by two brief rising tones.

Access control, davomat nazorati, identifikatsiya, logistika, sanoatni avtomatlashtirish, chiptalar, membership, public transit, cashless payment, and swimming pools are just a few of the numerous applications that RFID fobs may be utilized for.



200pcs per bag and 10 bags per carton. The standard packing carton size is: 26X22X23 cm, Weight: 13 kg
Or per the customer’s requirements.



1. What is the minimum order quantity?
Our MOQ is typically 200 pieces. Biroq, we will take a smaller quantity for your trial purchase.

2. Could you provide us an example?
Ha. Usually, we give out free samples that already exist. But for bespoke designs, there’s a modest sample fee. Sample costs are reimbursed up to a certain order quantity.

3. What is the LEAD TIME of the sample?
For current samples, it takes one to two days. They’re at liberty. It takes three to seven days to get your own designs, depending on whether they need a new printing screen or not.

4. What is the lead time for production?
The MOQ takes seven to ten days.

5. What is the freight cost?
We advise using express delivery for modest quantities in order to save you money and enable you to get your items quicker.We advise shipping big quantities via sea.

6. If I wish to use my own design, what file type do you require?
We employ seasoned designers on staff. Thus, you are able to provide JPG, Al, CDR, PDF, etc. For you, we will create artwork for a mold or printing screen.

Xabaringizni qoldiring


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