RFID silikon yuvish yorlig'i


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RFID silikon yuvish yorlig'i

Qisqacha tavsif:

The RFID Silicone Washing Tag for Textile and Apparel Identification is a highly durable UHF tag designed for industrial laundry applications to withstand repeated wash and dry cycles in professional cleaning equipment. The tag is a small, flexible white strip that can be easily embedded in clothing or linens, hidden from the user during daily operations.

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The RFID Silicone Washing Tag for Textile and Apparel Identification is a highly durable UHF tag designed for industrial laundry applications to withstand repeated wash and dry cycles in professional cleaning equipment. The tag is a small, flexible white strip that can be easily embedded in clothing or linens, hidden from the user during daily operations.
It is waterproof, highly resistant to corrosive liquids, and provides reliable performance and read stability in fluctuating temperatures. Custom color options are available, and the tag can be embossed or laser engraved with a logo or message for branding or enhanced visual recognition.
In addition to laundry use cases, the highly rugged design also makes it ideal for many other industrial non-metallic applications. The laundry tag offers anti-collision capabilities, fast data rate communications, and a large read range compared to its size. Bunga qo'chimcha, the tag complies with EPC Global Certified UHF Gen 2, ISO 18000-6C, readers and modules, and covers the global UHF frequency range in a single tag, making it ideal for international operations.

rfid silicone washing tag (3)



Ism SLT003 5620
Diameter(mm) 56*20mm
Thickness(mm) 2mm
Reading 1-3m depends on the reader
Material Silicone
Chastotasi 860MHz to 960MHz
Chip Type Alien H3, M4QT, UCODE8
Memory 96 bit EPC, 512 bit user memory
Rang Default white; If other colors, MOQ is 3000pcs
Support Protocol EPC global UHF Class 1 Gen 2 (ISO 18000-6C)
Heat Resistance Drying 85°C(Up to 60min)or 120°C(Up to 10 min)
Ironing 200°C(Up to 10sec.with press cloth)
Humidity/Temperature Operating -20 to 50°C,10 uchun 95% RH
Storage -40 to 55°C,8 uchun 95% RH
Pressure 70 bars, 3 min isostatic
Ilova Laundry, Industrial Textile
Chemical Resistance Typical chemicals used in laundry and dry-cleaning processes
Attachment Sewn in, Heat Sealed


The non-woven fabric, silicone, or PPS material that the RFID washing label is packed in comes in a range of parameters. It is resistant to wear and tear, corrosion, high and low temperatures, va boshqalar. With these qualities, it can readily handle a variety of situations and endure over 200 industrial washes.

Our Benefits:

1.20 years’ experience in rfid and nfc products manufacturing.
2.15 years of expertise in international commerce, working with clients from over 100 different nations and areas.
3. Quick delivery—stock arrives in two or three days.
4. Excellent technical strength; able to handle client issues fast.
5. OEM/ODM services are also offered.


rfid silicone washing tag (4

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