RFID Tag Bracelet


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rfid tag bracelet (3)

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RFID Tag Bracelets are widely used in various applications, including swimming pools, theme parks, kasalxonalar, a'zolikni boshqarish, loyalty programs, and access control management. They come in various sizes, materials, and colors, and can be printed with various techniques. RFID wristbands offer quick identification and verification, high security, comfort, and portability. They can be used for multifunctional integration, such as payment, attendance tracking, health monitoring, and identity verification. They are easy to handle and maintain, with real-time tracking and minimal upkeep. A Confidential Disclosure Agreement is signed between the manufacturer and the customer, and live demonstrations are available to show the equipment, raw materials, warehouse, personnel, and offices. Samples are available, but delivery is required.

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RFID Tag Bracelet is widely used in swimming pools, theme parks, marathons, hospital management, a'zolikni boshqarish, loyalty programs and access control management, etc. Furthermore, we are capable of offering programming and encoding services that completely satisfy the specifications provided by our clients. We are a national high-tech company that specializes in producing several silicone RFID wristbands, such as 13.56 MHz and 125 kHz RFID wristbands. We can provide you with a full silicone RFID wristband solution if necessary.

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Product Parameter

Hajmi Dial: 37*40mm

Band: 265*16mm

Material Nylon strap, ABS dial plate
Available chips LF, HF, UHF
Color option Qizil, Moviy, Qora, Purple, Orange, Sariq, or in customized color
Printing Silk-screen printing with logo/ Ink-jet printing or Thermal transfer printing
Antennas Aluminum or copper antenna
Available Crafts Logotip chop etish, Encoding/Programmable

Serial Number, Shtrix-kod, QR or UID number printing;

Optional Technique -Special function option Anti-metal layer for metal environmental use;

-Custom logos/artwork printing/ Laser engraving;

-UID Number Printing Jet dot printing;

-URL, matn, number, etc;

-Encoding/lock to read-only.



Advantages of RFID tag bracelets

  • Quick identification and verification: RFID tag wristbands come with integrated RFID chips that allow data to be received and sent rapidly when the bracelet is in close proximity to an RFID reader. This implies that users don’t need to manually input or display their ID in order to swiftly identify and validate their identities. This quick identification technique may significantly increase traffic efficiency and decrease line wait times at large-scale gatherings, conferences, or locations with heavy traffic.
  • High security: To mitigate the security concerns associated with contact operations, RFID technology leverages wireless communication. For instance, using RFID tag wristbands in the access control management system reduces the possibility of conventional keys or cards being misplaced, stolen, or duplicated. Bunga qo'chimcha, since the bracelet is linked to the user, it may be swiftly locked or unlocked via the system in case it is misplaced, guaranteeing security.
  • Comfort and portability: RFID tag bracelets are often composed of materials that are lightweight, have a fashionable design, and are comfortable to wear. Wearers don’t have to worry about carrying or losing the bracelet—they may wear it whenever they choose. In order to satisfy each user’s unique demands, the bracelet’s design may also be altered to suit their preferences for color, size, pattern, etc.
  • RFID tag wristbands may be utilized for multifunctional integration, including payment, attendance tracking, health monitoring, and other features, in addition to identity verification and access control administration. In order to accomplish various applications and increase life and work efficiency, users may effortlessly execute tasks like payment, check-in, health data collection, etc. using the bracelet.
  • Simple to handle and maintain: The adoption of RFID tag wristbands may make staff administration and maintenance tasks much easier for event planners and company administrators. The bracelet’s status and use may be tracked in real time by the system, which can also do data analytics and analysis and provide robust decision support. Bunga qo'chimcha, the bracelet requires little upkeep and is easy to replace, which lowers management expenses.

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1. Is there a better deal if I place a larger order?
Haqiqatdan ham, the finest rates are determined by quantity and quality requirements.
In the event that anything goes wrong, how can I be certain?

When required, we will manufacture samples first and submit them to you for confirmation before to production.
b. As the production progresses, we will email you follow-up images or videos.
c. If you get the items and discover a fault, we will investigate the issue. Should the issue stem from our end, we will either duplicate the merchandise or provide a refund.
3. How can you prevent someone from seeing or using my items for commercial purposes?
A Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA) will be signed by us and you.
b. During the manufacturing process, ensure that everyone is exclusively focused on the goods.
c, either give you the additional pieces or completely destroy them.
4. How can I tell whether you are a trade firm or a direct manufacturer?
Whenever you would like, we may provide a live demonstration in which we will show you the equipment, the raw materials, the warehouse, the personnel, and the offices.
The best way to see what you receive and what you see for yourself is to come see us.
5. Is there a way I can acquire a free sample of this one?
Haqiqatdan ham, the samples are freely accessible. Biroq, you have to handle the delivery.
6. Is it feasible for us to get our mold back?
Haqiqatdan ham, you are free to return your mold whenever you choose.



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