UHF metall yorlig'i


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UHF metall yorlig'i

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UHF metal tags are RFID tags designed to overcome interference issues on metal surfaces, ensuring reliable reading performance and long reading distances. They are used in various applications such as asset management, omborni boshqarish, and logistics tracking. Key factors to consider include size, form, material, reading distance, reading angle, and environmental adaptability.

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UHF metal tags are RFID tags that have been specifically created to overcome the difficulties associated with using RFID technology on metal surfaces. RFID signals are often interfered with by metal objects, which reduces signal quality or shortens scan distances. By using certain materials and designs, UHF metal tags are able to lessen or completely eradicate these interferences, providing dependable RFID functioning on metal surfaces.

UHF metall yorlig'i UHF Metal Tag01

UHF metal tag characteristics

  1. Anti-metal performance: To lessen the interference that metal causes to RFID signals, these tags are made of unique materials and designs. This enables them to provide reliable reading performance and be firmly affixed to metal surfaces.
  2. High reading distance: UHF metal tags often have a long reading distance, despite the fact that metal surfaces will attenuate RFID signals to some extent. This enables RFID scanners to recognize and read them from a greater distance.
  3. Various situations for applications: In many situations that call for the tracking, management, and identification of metal items, such as asset management, omborni boshqarish, logistika monitoringi, va hokazo., UHF metal tags are extensively used.
  4. Some important aspects, including the tag’s size, form, material, reading distance, reading angle, and environmental adaptability, must be taken into account while developing and choosing UHF metal tags. To establish a full RFID solution, it is also required to choose appropriate middleware software and RFID readers based on particular application needs.

UHF Metal Tag03


Industrial RFID Tag Functional Specifications

RFID protokoli

Compliant with EPCglobal and ISO 18000-63 standards
Compliant with Gen2v2 standards


840MHz to 940MHz

IC Type

Impinj Monza R6-P


EPC: 128 bits

USER: 64 bits

TID: 96 bits

Write Times

At least 100,000 times


Supports read and write operations

Data Retention

Up to 50 years

Applicable Surfaces

Specially designed for metal surfaces

Read Range

Fixed Reader:

On metal, 4W (36dBm): 9.8 meters

Outside metal, 4W (36dBm): 4.8 meters

Qo'lda o'quvchi:

On metal, 1W (30dBm): 6.0 meters

Outside metal, 1W (30dBm): 2.8 meters

Warranty Period

1-year limited warranty

Physical specifications


Length: 87mm

Width: 24mm


11mm (including D5mm hole)

Mounting method

Screw fixation


19 grams


PC (polycarbonate)


The standard color is white (other colors can be customized)


Industrial RFID Tag Functional Specifications



Using UHF metal tags

  • IT asset tracking: For simple tracking and administration, tags may be affixed to the exposed components of IT servers or equipment.
  • Asset management: Suitable for handling a range of metal assets, including electrical devices and cabinets made of metal. Information management may be accomplished by tracking the usage cycle and status of fixed assets throughout the process using RFID readers or smart portable terminal PDA devices.
  • Pallet management in warehouse logistics: UHF RFID electronic tags are used in warehouses to automatically gather data from various operation links, including inventory, outbound, transfer, shifting, and warehouse arrival inspection. This ensures that data is input accurately and quickly into each warehouse management link and that businesses can access accurate inventory data quickly.
  • Transport things for recyclables: RFID technology allows for real-time tracking of the position and status of objects like pallets, containers, and other similar items.
  • Warehouse management: To increase management efficiency, UHF metal tags in the warehouse may be used to remotely scan individual shelves and identify them.
  • Power equipment and facility inspection: Tags may be placed on equipment to make it easier for inspectors to record equipment status in real-time. Examples of this include open-air power equipment inspection, iron tower pole inspection, elevator inspection, etc.
  • Pressure vessel and gas cylinder management: UHF metal tags may provide real-time position tracking and status monitoring to guarantee safety while managing hazardous materials like pressure vessels, steel cylinders, and gas cylinders.

Using UHF metal tags Using UHF metal tags01

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