NFC Label


פיטשערד פּראָדוקטן

לעצטע נייַעס

NFC Label

קורץ באַשרייַבונג:

NFC Label is used in various applications such as mobile payments, data transfer, smart posters, and access control. They allow users to exchange data through proximity or touch operations, ensuring fast and secure authentication. NFC tags come in various materials like coated paper, waterproof PVC, and PET. They can be used for mobile payments, access control, social media sharing, e-ticketing, loyalty monitoring, and marketing and advertising. Customization and selection of materials, size, color, and adhesive can enhance their effectiveness.

שיקן E- בריוו צו אונדז

ייַנטיילן אונדז:

פּראָדוקט דעטאַל

NFC Label are commonly used in a variety of applications, including mobile payments, data transfer, smart posters, access control, און מער. These tags can be embedded in a variety of items, such as mobile phones, smart cards, posters, key chains, און מער.

NFC tags allow users to exchange data with a reader through simple proximity or touch operations, allowing for fast and secure authentication or payment. In an office environment, these cards may be used as access cards, allowing employees to enter an office or a specific area with a simple touch operation. These cards may also be used as a means of payment when commuting, such as paying for public transportation or passing through toll booths. NFC technology has brought great convenience to our lives, making data exchange and authentication simpler, faster, and safer.

NFC Label



אָפטקייַט פּראָטאָקאָל Read range Chip Memory Customization
13.56mhz ISO14443A 1-5cm M1 Classic 1K / Fudan F08 UID 4/7byte,User 1K byte Encoding Serial No., URL, words, contacts etc.
NTAG213 UID 7byte,

באַניצער 144 byte

NTAG215 UID 7byte,

באַניצער 504 byte

NTAG216 UID 7byte,

באַניצער 888 byte

      Ultralight EV 1 UID 7byte,

באַניצער 640 bit

      Ultralight C UID 7byte,

באַניצער 1536 bit

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For NFC posters and other visual applications, coated paper is utilized to print high-quality pictures and text.
וואָטערפּרוף, resilient, and similar to conventional paper, synthetic paper is suited for outdoor usage.
Polyvinyl chloride (פּווק): sturdy, waterproof, and simple to print, used for long-lasting labels.
PET (polyethylene terephthalate): chemically and abrasion-resistant for harsh settings.

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Label sizes range from round to square to meet application demands. Smaller labels work well in tight locations like jewelry or little objects, while bigger labels are easier to read.

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White is the usual backdrop color for printing and applications.
Custom printing: logos, barcodes, QR codes, and serial numbers may boost label identification and usefulness. Barcodes and QR codes are quickly scanned and provide information, while logos and serial numbers identify and monitor brands.

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Standard glue works on most surfaces. 3M Glue: Ideal for long-term fixing and durability, it is sticky and durable.


  • Mobile Payment and Wallet: NFC lets users close their phones to payment terminals to complete transactions.
  • With NFC technology, posters may become interactive, allowing viewers to scan tags with mobile phones for extra information or activities.
  • Access Control: Holding phones or NFC tags near to the scanner lets people entrance.
  • NFC tags allow product inventory, manufacturing date, and other data to be gathered and evaluated.
  • Scan NFC tags to instantly share material on social media.
  • E-Ticketing: NFC tags may be used as electronic tickets for events.
  • Merchants may monitor and reward loyalty by scanning NFC tags. Marketing and Advertising: NFC tags make marketing and advertising more engaging and interactive.

NFC Label are employed in many applications due to their versatility. You may make effective and appealing NFC tags by selecting the correct material, size, color, and adhesive and personalizing the content.

לאָזן דיין אָנזאָג


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א גרויסע גרויע אינדוסטריאלע געביידע מיט אסאך בלוי-געטינטענע פענצטער און צוויי הויפט איינגאַנגען שטייט מיט שטאלץ אונטער א קלארן, בלוי הימל. אנגעצייכנט מיט די לאָגאָ "PBZ Business Park," עס ימבאַדיז אונדזער "וועגן אונדז" מיסיע פון ​​פּראַוויידינג פּרעמיער געשעפט סאַלושאַנז.

באַקומען קאָנטאַקט מיט אונדז


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