遙控匙包含短距離無線電發射器/射頻識別 (無線射頻識別) 芯片和天線. 它使用無線電頻率把不同的編碼信號發送到設備中嘅接收器單位. 該接收器仲包含一個 RFID標籤, 係某種形式嘅存儲信息. RFID匙扣具有與 RFID智能卡相同嘅功能. 然而, RFID匙扣, 都稱為智能鎖匙或簡稱 RFID匙扣, 更加緊湊, 實用且堅固. 得益於呢啲功能及其直觀嘅作, 智能鎖匙通常用于訪問控制和時間記錄領域. RFID遙控鎖匙嘅其他優點係極高嘅耐用性和對外部影響嘅堅固性.




The rectangular RFID keychain tag (1) is black with a silver metal square and features a circular keyring attached.


RFID Keychain Tags are durable, 防水, dust-proof, moisture-proof, and shock-proof plastic tags used in various fields like access control, public transportation, asset management, hotels, and entertainment. They come in various

顯示多個rud鎖匙鏈嘅圖像 (1) 橙色匙扣, 下面有兩個特寫視圖,突出了它們的形狀和細節.


RFID Key Chain are becoming a popular choice for keyless entry systems and contactless payment solutions. These low-cost, convenient, smart and easy-to-use RFID key fobs offer a variety of benefits.

六個 RFID鎖匙標籤以圓形排列, 每個都附有鎖匙圈. RFID鎖匙標籤 (1) 遙控鎖匙有各種深淺不一嘅藍色同灰色.

RFID Key Tags

RFID Key Tags are smart keys used for personnel applications, 包括訪問控制, attendance management, hotel key cards, bus payment, parking lot management, and identity authentication. They are durable, 防水,…

兩個名為采red keychainó嘅 RFID匙扣 (1)," 每個都配有一個藍色同白色淚滴形塑料標籤,該標籤連接到一個銀色鎖匙圈上.


福建 RFID解決方案有限公司, 有限公司. offers RFID keychains with advanced tag technology, impact-resistant ABS material, and various shapes and styles. These keychains are ideal for access control, identification systems, 和…

Two rfid key fobs (1) in an orange teardrop shape, featuring white circular centers and metal key rings attached at the top.


Our RFID Key Fob offers convenience and intelligence with advanced RFID technology. It features efficient identification, durable material, personalized customization, and security. Available in sizes of 53x35mm or customized, it

Two rfid keyfobs, sleek and black with metal key rings, are displayed against a pristine white background.

RFID Keyfobs

Our specialty is providing premium RFID keyfobs that integrate cutting-edge RFID technology with sturdy ABS material. These keychains, made of TK4100 material, support the 125kHz low-frequency band and provide dependable

The image displays three "RFID Key Fob Tag (1)" items in various colors: 黃色, blue with a white center, and solid blue. These key fobs are likely intended for identification or electronic applications.

RFID Key Fob Tag

RFID Key Fob Tags are versatile devices used for various applications, 包括訪問控制, attendance control, 鑑定, 後勤, industrial automation, 以及更多. They are made of materials like PVC, ABS,…

三個藍色mifare超輕遙控鎖匙, 紅, 黑色與銀色鎖匙圈並排排列喺白色背景上. 每個遙控鎖匙均配備Mifare Ultralight技術,以增強安全性.

Mifare Ultralight遙控鎖匙

The Mifare Ultralight Key Fob is an advanced identification tool with RFID reading/writing technology, providing precise and efficient identification services for various applications. Its unique 10-digit ID ensures uniqueness and

Displayed are four Mifare Classic 1k Key Fobs in different colors: 黑, 藍, 紅, 同灰色. Each fob features a unique design and attachment method.

Mifare Classic 1k Key Fob

The Mifare Classic 1k Key Fob is a customizable contactless smart keychain with a 1024-byte storage capacity, 13.56MHz operating frequency, and ISO 14443A communication protocol. It comes in various sizes

Two transparent teardrop-shaped keychains, each housing the mifare 1k key fob (1) electronic components and featuring a metal key ring attached.

Mifare 1k Key Fob

The Mifare 1k Key Fob is a read-only contactless card with a 1024-byte storage capacity, operating at 13.56 MHz and adhering to the ISO 14443A communication protocol. It is waterproof,…

一座大型灰色工業建築,擁有好多藍色嘅窗同兩個主要入口,自豪地矗立在空地下, 青天. 標有標誌糸PBZ Business Parkī," 它體現咗我哋嘅桎梏關於我哋" 提供卓越業務解決方案嘅使命.



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