RFID labels are a simple way to identify a product or object so that it can be wirelessly detected, ensuring traceability. An RFID tag is a small, intelligent device that stores data and can transmit it through radio-frequency signals. The information and traceability it sends about a product can be quickly and automatically captured by a signal receiver. RFID labels are often used in stores to keep track of inventory and make sure that the right products are in the right places. They can also be used in libraries to keep track of books, or in warehouses to keep track of shipments. RFID labels can be a way to allow businesses to communicate information wirelessly, which can be really helpful in a lot of different situations.




Soft Anti Metal Label

Soft Anti Metal Label

Soft anti-metal label are crucial for asset management and transportation, especially for tracking metal products. These tags are essential for warehousing and logistics, enabling quick and accurate monitoring of assets,…

NFC Label

NFC Label

NFC Label is used in various applications such as mobile payments, data transfer, smart posters, 同訪問控制. They allow users to exchange data through proximity or touch operations, ensuring

A large round diamond is elegantly showcased on a silver ring, complemented by an RFID Jewelry Tag for added style and secure tracking.

RFID Jewelry Tags

UHF RFID Jewelry Tags are customizable, designed for jewelry management and security. These tags, also known as jewelry anti-theft tags or EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) jewelry anti-theft tags, have RFID



RFID Library Tag使用 RFID技術自動收集數據, 自助借用同歸還, 書籍庫存, 同其他函數. 它仲有助於防盜, 借書證管理, 和…

一座大型灰色工業建築,擁有好多藍色嘅窗同兩個主要入口,自豪地矗立在空地下, 青天. 標有標誌糸PBZ Business Parkī," 它體現咗我哋嘅桎梏關於我哋" 提供卓越業務解決方案嘅使命.



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RFID標籤製造商 [批發 | OEM代工 | ODM]

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