一次過 RFID腕帶
Our one-time use disposable RFID wristbands are non-removable and used for RFID ticketing, stored value, debit, access control to venues, lounges and special guest areas as well as for cash-free purchases across your event. Our one time use RFID wristbands are disposable and suited as event or concert tickets, for use at music festivals, for players at casinos, gaming centres, barcodes or arcades. Also ideal for RV parks, campgrounds and resorts where guests can wear them for one day or several days. Plain or branded, our RFID disposable wristbands are cost effective and will be popular with your guests.

患者 RFID腕帶
患者 RFID腕帶係封閉嘅, 安全, and difficult-to-remove…


一次過 RFID腕帶
一次過 RFID腕帶係環保嘅, 耐用, and durable wristbands used…

一次過 RFID手帶
The Disposable RFID Bracelet is a secure and convenient identification…
一次過 RFID手帶
一次過 RFID手帶係一種安全便捷的識別和管理工具,它使用 RFID技術進行快速準確嘅識別. 它支持各種應用程序,例如事件管理,…
一次過 RFID腕帶
一次過 RFID腕帶係環保嘅, 耐用, 以及用于身份打理嘅耐用腕帶, 鑑定, 以及各種場所嘅門禁控制. 佢哋提供快速閱讀, 唯一標識, 同數據加密. 這些…
酒店業嘅 RFID腕帶
一次過 RFID腕帶因其便利性而喺酒店業中變得越嚟越重要, 安全, 同私隱優勢. 呢啲腕帶, 由PVC等優質材料製成, 可以使用…