RFID腕帶讓您可以自由地以您想要嘅方式表達您的業務. RFID腕帶可以被視為一種易於使用嘅支付工具,都可以被視為一種非常易於使用嘅方法嚟檢查人們的身份信息. 智能 RFID腕帶可在擠逼嘅活動中更快、更安全地進出. 智能 RFID腕帶喺當今嘅好多企業中都好有用. 我哋實現嘅創新令腕帶更容易融入行業. 智能 RFID手帶具有存儲和數據傳輸功能. 它可以訪問其長期記憶中加載嘅記錄. 它具有允許數據通信嘅信息共享功能. 因此,它們係順利管理工作流程嘅理想選擇. 使用智能手帶, 你可以在您的業務中為技術騰出更多空間.




織物 RFID腕帶

織物 RFID腕帶

織物 RFID腕帶經久耐用, 舒適, 以及由尼龍和聚酯等優質材料製成的輕型腕帶. 它們係防水嘅, 防塵嘅, 且易於清潔. They have a built-in RFID

RFID Access Control Wristbands

RFID Access Control Wristbands

RFID Access Control Wristbands are designed for various applications, including door access, animal tagging, 同近場通信. They feature a configurable application framework, elegant user interface, and advanced analytics

nfc fabric wristband (1)

NFC Fabric Wristband

The NFC Fabric Wristband offers cashless payment, fast access control, reduced waiting time, and increased security at events. Made of high-quality nylon, it is comfortable, 耐用, and available in various

RFID標籤手帶 (3)


RFID標籤手帶廣泛用于各種應用, including swimming pools, 主題公園, 醫院, membership management, loyalty programs, and access control management. They come in various sizes, materials, 和…



RFID Fabric bracelets offer cashless payment, quick access control, reduced waiting times, and increased security at events. These wristbands come in various colors and can be personalized with your brand.

A 125khz RFID Bracelet featuring a red plastic casing and a blank, circular white face, all secured with a black adjustable strap.

125khz RFID Bracelets

The 125khz RFID Bracelets are robust, contactless wristbands that encapsulate a passive chip into a nylon webbing material. Available in blue, 紅, 黃色, 同黑色, they are splash-proof and can

A chic watch with a blank face and a blue fabric strap, reminiscent of the Custom RFID Fabric Wristband, set against a pristine white background.

Custom RFID Fabric Wristband

Fujian Ruiditai Technology Co., 有限公司. offers a Custom RFID Fabric Wristband with a TK4100 chip for excellent identification performance. These wristbands are made of polyester and stretchy, making them suitable

A blue RFID bracelet for hotels, showcasing a chain-link design and a circular section with "RFID" displayed in white text.

RFID Bracelets For Hotels

RFID Bracelets For Hotels offer convenience, personalized service, and high security. They are lightweight, flexible, and easy to install. These wristbands integrate cutting-edge radio frequency identification technology, enhancing the quality

Proximity Wristbands in blue, featuring a rectangular RFID tag, are designed for access control or identification purposes.

Proximity Wristbands

Fujian RFID Solutions specializes in producing premium RFID Proximity Wristbands, offering stability, dependability, and precise identification and payment services. These wristbands are used in various settings, including concerts, sporting events,…

An orange Wristband RFID designed for access control, featuring the text "(無線射頻識別)" printed on its surface.

Wristband RFID

福建 RFID解決方案有限公司, 有限公司. offers wristband RFID solutions for industrial applications, NFC technologies, animal tags, and access control systems. With extensive engineering and technical capabilities, they provide high-quality products

一座大型灰色工業建築,擁有好多藍色嘅窗同兩個主要入口,自豪地矗立在空地下, 青天. 標有標誌糸PBZ Business Parkī," 它體現咗我哋嘅桎梏關於我哋" 提供卓越業務解決方案嘅使命.



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RFID標籤製造商 [批發 | OEM代工 | ODM]

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