RFID腕帶讓您可以自由地以您想要嘅方式表達您的業務. RFID腕帶可以被視為一種易於使用嘅支付工具,都可以被視為一種非常易於使用嘅方法嚟檢查人們的身份信息. 智能 RFID腕帶可在擠逼嘅活動中更快、更安全地進出. 智能 RFID腕帶喺當今嘅好多企業中都好有用. 我哋實現嘅創新令腕帶更容易融入行業. 智能 RFID手帶具有存儲和數據傳輸功能. 它可以訪問其長期記憶中加載嘅記錄. 它具有允許數據通信嘅信息共享功能. 因此,它們係順利管理工作流程嘅理想選擇. 使用智能手帶, 你可以在您的業務中為技術騰出更多空間.




A blue RFID Tags Bracelet showcasing a white circular tag with "RFID" and the number "150.

RFID Tags Bracelet

福建 RFID解決方案有限公司, 有限公司. is a leading RFID technology company specializing in the design and production of RFID Tags Bracelet. With a wide range of products, including adjustable, 一次性,…

A vibrant orange RFID wristband featuring a circular central section showcasing "RFID" in white text, perfectly suited for RFID Wristband Solutions.

RFID Wristband Solutions

The RFID Wristband Solutions is a unique, stylish, and functional wrist-worn device made of environmentally friendly silicone material. It offers reusable and disposable options, and has applications across various industries,…

一個 13.56 MHz RFID Wristband made of orange silicone, featuring a clasp, perforations for size adjustment, and integrated RFID technology.

13.56 mhz RFID Wristband

這 13.56 mhz RFID Wristband is a portable device based on RFID technology, designed for various applications such as cashless transactions, activity entrance and exit timings, and consumer behavior tracking.

兩個橢圓形同黑色內飾嘅定製 RFID腕帶; 一個具有粉紅色嘅外觀, 另一個係黃色嘅外殼.

定製 RFID腕帶

Custom RFID wristbands are wearable gadgets that use radio frequency identification (無線射頻識別) technology to provide unique features and benefits. They are popular in various industries, such as healthcare, 主題公園,…

Two RFID Custom Wristbands in rectangular silicone, one pink and the other yellow, arranged with a slight overlap and showing their inner linings.

RFID Custom Wristbands

RFID custom wristbands are wearable smart gadgets that use radio frequency identification (無線射頻識別) technology to monitor wearer’s whereabouts, manage medical information, and authenticate identity. 福建 RFID解決方案, a company dedicated

Two RFID Bracelets in blue and orange, rolled up with circular ends overlapping, ideal for wearing as silicone slap bracelets.

RFID Bracelet

The RFID Bracelet is a durable, eco-friendly wristband made of silicone, suitable for season ticket vouchers and loyalty programs. It features low-frequency 125KHz and high-frequency 13.56MHz chips, and can be

一系列顏色嘅 RFID節日腕帶,例如紫色, 白, 綠, 粉紅色, 橙, 同黑色. 每個腕帶嘅表面都有一個時尚嘅矩形設計元素.


RFID Festival腕帶係一款輕量級產品, 矽製圓形 RFID腕帶, 有各種尺寸可供選擇,適合成人和兒童. 可以使用LF製造, 高頻,…

A RFID Wrist band featuring a blue adjustable rubber strap and a metallic button clasp, showcased on a white background.

RFID Wrist band

RFID wrist band are easy to wear, shockproof, 防水, and resistant to extreme temperatures, making them ideal for humid settings like swimming pools and cooling warehouses. They can be customized

Product Description: A UHF RFID Wristband featuring an orange color, adjustable strap, and metal clasp. The letters "RFID" are printed in white on the surface.

UHF RFID Wristband

Ultra-high frequency (超高頻) RFID wristbands combine traditional barcode wristbands with RFID technology, offering long reading distance, large information capacity, high recognition accuracy, and reusability. They are used in medical, 娛樂,…

Two blue silicone rings featuring a wavy design, part of the RFID Wristband system, overlap against a white background.

RFID Wristband system

福建 RFID解決方案有限公司, 有限公司. offers a comprehensive RFID wristband system, including readers, 標籤, 鑲嵌, and tags, for various industries. Their in-house research and development team ensures the latest specifications

一座大型灰色工業建築,擁有好多藍色嘅窗同兩個主要入口,自豪地矗立在空地下, 青天. 標有標誌糸PBZ Business Parkī," 它體現咗我哋嘅桎梏關於我哋" 提供卓越業務解決方案嘅使命.



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