RFID腕帶讓您可以自由地以您想要嘅方式表達您的業務. RFID腕帶可以被視為一種易於使用嘅支付工具,都可以被視為一種非常易於使用嘅方法嚟檢查人們的身份信息. 智能 RFID腕帶可在擠逼嘅活動中更快、更安全地進出. 智能 RFID腕帶喺當今嘅好多企業中都好有用. 我哋實現嘅創新令腕帶更容易融入行業. 智能 RFID手帶具有存儲和數據傳輸功能. 它可以訪問其長期記憶中加載嘅記錄. 它具有允許數據通信嘅信息共享功能. 因此,它們係順利管理工作流程嘅理想選擇. 使用智能手帶, 你可以在您的業務中為技術騰出更多空間.




Three RFID Silicone Bracelets in green, dark green, and red are displayed overlapping on a white background.

RFID Silicone Bracelet

RFID Silicone Bracelets are waterproof wristbands suitable for various settings, including sports clubs, schools, 游泳池, 水上樂園, 健身房, and spas. They come in multiple frequencies (125 千赫, 13.56 兆赫,…

Blue RFID Tag Bracelet adorned with a white RFID logo and signal icon on the front, set against a white background. This elegant accessory integrates seamlessly among other RFID Tag Bracelets, offering both style and security.

RFID Tag Bracelets

RFID Tag Bracelets are waterproof, 耐用, and comfortable wristbands suitable for various activities, including leisure parks and festivals. They are suitable for humid environments like swimming pools, 健身房, and access

Three RFID Chip Wristbands are displayed in a row, colored purple, 綠, and red from left to right.

RFID Chip Wristband

The RFID Chip Wristband is a waterproof, user-friendly device that adds authentication to events. It uses the genuine NXP MIFARE Classic EV1 1K chip, providing 13.56 MHz operating frequency and

A blue Custom NFC Wristband featuring a round central area displaying the text "RFID" along with a signal icon.

Custom NFC Wristband

Customized RFID NFC silicone wristbands are now available, featuring advanced technology and excellent waterproof performance. These wristbands are made of high-quality silicone, offering durability and anti-aging properties. They support 125

展示紅色嘅 RFID活動腕帶, 擁有一個中央標籤,上面裝飾住唻 RFID" 兩條象徵無線連接嘅曲線.


The RFID Event Wristbands are a versatile wearable gadget made of premium silicone, available in various colors and sizes. These wristbands are waterproof, moisture-proof, and resistant to high temperatures, making

Two Waterproof RFID Bracelets, one in blue and the other in light blue, arranged overlapping against a white background.

Waterproof RFID Bracelet

The waterproof RFID bracelet is a smart device designed for humid and harsh weather environments. It features MINI TAG technology and integrates RFID and NFC communication interfaces, making data transmission

Three Proximity Wristbands, available in green, 粉紅色, and blue, are displayed in a row. Each silicone wristband showcases a wavy design at the center.

Proximity Wristband

福建 RFID解決方案有限公司, 有限公司. offers RFID Proximity Wristband, designed for easy mobility in various areas like swimming pools, construction sites, and fitness facilities. These waterproof wristbands integrate RFID and

A blue UHF RFID Wristband showcases a white "RFID" text and a radio signal icon on the front.

UHF RFID Wristbands

UHF RFID Wristbands are waterproof, hypoallergenic wristbands available in various sizes and colors. They are suitable for check-ins, access control in water parks, spas, and pools, and can be customized

紅色Mifare RFID手帶, 具有白色 RFID符號同文本.

Mifare RFID手帶

Mifare RFID手帶係應用於各個領域嘅高品質 RFID腕帶, 包括門禁系統, 小額支付, 鑑定, 醫院管理, 度假村, 游泳池, 事件, 節日, 同遊樂園. They are made

三個並排展示嘅矽膠手帶Mifare. 由左到右, 顏色係藍色, 黃色, 同Orange -非常適合為您的收藏添加抹色彩.


The RFID Bracelets Mifare is a popular choice in the entertainment industry due to its comfort, 安全, and customer experience. It is made of silicone and is waterproof, moisture-proof, 和…

一座大型灰色工業建築,擁有好多藍色嘅窗同兩個主要入口,自豪地矗立在空地下, 青天. 標有標誌糸PBZ Business Parkī," 它體現咗我哋嘅桎梏關於我哋" 提供卓越業務解決方案嘅使命.



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