





RFID織物洗衣標籤係一種專為紡織或非金屬應用而設計嘅 RFID織物洗衣標籤. 它有多種頻率型號可供選擇,並經過咗廣泛嘅測試以確保其可靠性. The tag’s compact internal module and soft material enable stable attachment at 60 bar壓力, 使其適用於各種工業環境. Its UHF properties make it an excellent choice for repeated washing. The tag’s advantages include high durability, high-temperature resistance, laser engraving, and waterproof performance. Applications include industrial cleaning, medical apparel management, military gear management, and personnel patrols. The tag’s customizable size, water resistance, and high-temperature resistance make it an ideal choice for various industries.




RFID Fabric Laundry Tag made for textile or non-metallic applications is the 7015 Textile Laundry Tag. This tag is available in many frequency variants (FTSI, FCC, and CHN) to accommodate varying regional usage requirements.

這 7015 tag’s construction and materials have undergone extensive testing to guarantee its dependability, and after more than 200 washing cycles, it is still 100% functional. The tag’s compact internal module and soft material enable a stable attachment at 60 bar壓力, making it suitable for a range of industrial washing settings.

To make sure that the tag doesn’t easily come off when being washed, it may be attached to the garment by heat sealing it or stitching it into the hem, for example. 這 7015 Textile Laundry Tag provides consistent and dependable radiofrequency performance because of its UHF properties, making it an excellent choice for industrial settings where repeated washing is necessary.



Compliance EPC Class1 Gen2; ISO18000-6C
頻率 902-928兆赫, 865~868MHz (Can customize


芯片 NXP Ucode7M / Ucode8
記憶 EPC 96位
讀/寫 係 (EPC)
Data Storage 20 years
Lifetime 200 wash cycles or 2 years from the shipping date

(whichever comes first)

材料 Textile
尺寸 70( L) x 15( W) x 1.5( H) (Can customize the sizes)
儲存溫度 -40℃~ +85
工作溫度 Washing: 90(194οF), 15 minutes, 200 cycle

Pre-drying in Tumbler: 180(320οF), 30minutes

Ironer: 180(356οF), 10 seconds, 200 cycles

Sterilization Process: 135(275οF), 20 minutes

Mechanical Resistance 為止 60 bars
Delivery format Single
Installation Method 7015-7M : Thread installation
重量 ~ 0.7g
Package Antistatic bag and carton
Power Supply Passive
Chemicals Normal common chemicals in the washing processes
RoHS指令 Compatible


為止 5.5 米 (ERP=2W)

Upto 2 米( With ATIDAT880handheldreader)

Polarization Liner

Advantages of the RFID Fabric Laundry Tag

  • High durability: Compared to comparable goods, this RFID Fabric Laundry Tag is very durable, able to resist more than 200 washing cycles. In industrial settings where washing occurs often, it can sustain steady functioning, guaranteeing that the data on the tag won’t be ruined or lost because of washing.
  • Premium Materials and Design: The label’s materials and design have undergone extensive testing to ensure its dependability. This indicates that the label functions effectively in terms of physical attributes like water resistance and durability. Because of its construction, the label will remain intact even after being washed in a range of difficult situations.
  • Every textile washing label from the 7015 series has undergone 100% functional testing. This implies that every label will undergo extensive testing during the manufacturing process to guarantee that it performs to the required level. Every label that the customer receives is certain to be of the highest quality and dependability thanks to this thorough testing procedure.

RFID Fabric Laundry Tag01

Main Features:

  • Customizable Size: Customers may request bespoke sizes for this 7015 textile washing label to satisfy the unique requirements of various fabrics or application situations. You can locate an appropriate label size for any size medical outfit, even whether it is a small or big uniform.
  • High-Temperature Resistant Material: The label can withstand high temperatures without losing its functionality or look since it is composed of a high temperature-resistant material. This makes it especially appropriate for scenarios requiring high temperatures, including managing medical clothes and industrial cleaning. Laser Engraved
  • Barcode: This label allows for the laser engraving of barcodes in addition to conventional printing techniques. This technique increases the efficiency and accuracy of identification by ensuring that the barcode is legible and clear even after washing and regular usage.
  • Waterproof performance: Even under damp or washing conditions, 這 7015 textile laundry label may withstand water damage and still be readable and intact. Because of this, it is ideal for usage in the military, medical, and other industries where waterproof treatment is needed.

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  1. Industrial cleaning: This label is perfect for industrial washing since it can endure repeated, rigorous industrial washing cycles. It is useful for managing and keeping track of several textiles, including towels, bedding, and uniforms.
  2. For firms that have to maintain and manage uniforms consistently, this label might be quite helpful. It may be used to make sure that uniforms are distributed, utilized, and recycled properly in any kind of establishment—whether it is a hotel, school, or business.
  3. Medical apparel management: To protect patients and medical personnel, medical apparel has to be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly. This waterproof and heat-resistant label may assist medical facilities in better managing their clothing resources by meeting the demands of medical clothing management.
  4. Management of military gear: The military department has strict guidelines for the effectiveness and robustness of clothing management. The configurable size, water resistance, and high-temperature resistance of this tag make it the perfect option for military outfit management.
  5. Management of personnel patrols: In certain situations, including security and inspection, when human patrol and tracking are necessary, this tag may also be very helpful. It is easy to monitor and manage the patrol routes and hours of troops by sewing them into uniforms or equipment.




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