



一系列顏色嘅 RFID節日腕帶,例如紫色, 白, 綠, 粉紅色, 橙, 同黑色. 每個腕帶嘅表面都有一個時尚嘅矩形設計元素.


RFID Festival腕帶係一款輕量級產品, 矽製圓形 RFID腕帶, 有各種尺寸可供選擇,適合成人和兒童. 可以使用LF製造, 高頻, 同UHF RFID芯片, 讀取範圍可達6厘米. 腕帶可以定製各種功能, 包括顏色選擇, QR code and barcode printing, serial number management, and laser numbering. It can be used in various applications, such as data transmission, 存取控制, 付款管理, medical environments, and recreation and entertainment.




The RFID Festival Wrist Band is lightweight and uses silicon as the base material. RFID wristbands are round in shape and come in variable sizes for both adults and children, which makes them best suited for the user’s elegance and convenience. The wristband can be manufactured using LF, 高頻, and UHF RFID chips depending on the required range and functionality. The wristband has an HF/LF reading range of up to 6cm, which can be extended to 8m using an RFID chip for UHF functionality.



Type and material:

  • Reusable RFID wristbands: silicone, 聚氯乙烯, 等.
  • Adjustable RFID wristbands: polyester, textile braid, dyed tape, polyester, silicone, 聚氯乙烯, 等.
  • Disposable RFID wristbands: polyester fiber, textile braided tape, dyed tape, polyester fiber, silicone, 聚氯乙烯, 等.
  • Luminous RFID wristband: silicone, 等.
  • LED light-emitting RFID wristband: silicone, 聚氯乙烯, ABS, 等.
  • Paper/plastic RFID wristband. All are customized, all with added features, 並且所有呢啲都具有行業領先嘅周轉時間.
  • 尺寸: 65毫米
  • Available in children, women, men, 或定製
  • Write endurance:
  • ≥100000次
  • Reading range:
  • Low frequency: 0-5厘米
  • High frequency: 0-5厘米
  • Ultra high frequency: 0-7m

RFID Festival Wrist Band02


Application scenarios:

  1. Data transmission: Enable accurate and efficient data interchange in a variety of settings where quick data transfer is necessary.
    Access control enhances security and management effectiveness by limiting access to areas to authorized individuals only.
  2. Payment management: make cashless transactions possible, streamline payment procedures, enhance user security, and improve user experience.
  3. Medical environments, like hospitals, are used to monitor medical records, handle medications, identify patients, and provide other services aimed at raising the standard of healthcare.
  4. Recreation and entertainment: include saunas, 游泳池, and other locations to enhance member administration and make consumer identification easier.
  5. RFID technology is used in certain conditions, such as cold storage, 等。, to improve logistics efficiency and guarantee worker safety.

RFID Festival Wrist Band03

Optional craftsmanship and customization:

  • Color selection: Offers you a range of conventional colors to choose from, including pink, 藍, 綠, 紅, 黃色, 同黑色. It also allows you to customize a particular color.
  • Customized text and logos: Customize the RFID wristband with text, logos, or unique patterns to fit your brand or requirements.
  • QR code and barcode: For simple scanning and identification, print a QR code or barcode on the wristband.
  • Serial number management: For simple tracking and administration, give every RFID wristband a distinct serial number.
  • Concave-convex technology and relief provide the bracelet with a distinctive feel and appearance that improves the brand’s perception.
  • Laser numbering: To guarantee legible and long-lasting numbers, properly number the wristbands using laser technology.

Optional craftsmanship and customization:



1. Do you provide OEM & ODM services?
一個: We can meet all of the needs of our customers thanks to our ten years of OEM and ODM expertise.
2. What About a Guarantee?

一個: All of our electronic locks come with a one-year guarantee; within that time, the locks will be replaced rather than mended.
Q3: When will it be delivered?
一個: The following time is for your reference and relies on the customer’s order amount, season, and demand specifics.
Typical apparatus: Example: less than three days.
100 pieces in less than 7 日.
1000 件 < 15 日.
25 天 5000 件.
Original equipment manufacturer: Example: less than five days.
100 pieces in less than 10 日.
1000 件 < 20 日.
30 天 5000 件.
Q4: What delivery method does your business often employ?
一個: Customersforwarders; via air; by sea; DHL, 三硝基甲苯, 唔間斷電源, and FEDEX expressways; 等.



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一座大型灰色工業建築,擁有好多藍色嘅窗同兩個主要入口,自豪地矗立在空地下, 青天. 標有標誌糸PBZ Business Parkī," 它體現咗我哋嘅桎梏關於我哋" 提供卓越業務解決方案嘅使命.



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RFID標籤製造商 [批發 | OEM代工 | ODM]

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