





RFID患者腕帶用于患者管理和識別, 存儲姓名等個人信息, 病歷號, 和過敏史. 它們提供自動信息讀取等好處, 數據一致性, real-time monitoring, and traceability. Custom wristbands can be created using a wristband creation tool, and are available in over thirty colors. These wristbands are fast, low-cost, and come with secure self-adhesive labels and sequential numbers for better control. 福建 RFID解決方案有限公司, 有限公司. offers wristband customization options.




RFID患者腕帶用于患者管理和識別. RFID patient wristbands are able to read, write, 並確定患者’ personal information by inserting RFID chips and antennae within the band. Wristband customisation is offered by Fujian RFID Solutions Co., 有限公司. and is readily observable or commercially distributed.


Benefits and Features:

  • Patient management and identification: Personal data about patients, including name, 病歷號, allergy history, 等陣, may be stored in RFID patient wristbands. In order to prevent misunderstanding or mistakes in patient information, medical professionals may reliably identify patients by reading the information on the wristband. This lowers medical mistakes and increases the effectiveness of medical work.
  • Automation and efficiency: By enabling automated information reading and processing, RFID patient wristbands may significantly lower medical staff workloads and mistake rates. Simultaneously, RFID wristbands scan quickly, allowing for the quick identification and reading of a lot of medical data.
  • Data consistency and accuracy: By eliminating human mistakes that may arise from scribbling records or manually inputting data, RFID patient wristbands can guarantee the consistency and correctness of patient information. This contributes to the enhancement of medical data quality and dependability and offers a precise foundation for medical decision-making.
  • Real-time monitoring and early warning system: Medical monitoring systems may be used in tandem with RFID patient wristbands to track patientshealth and vital signs in real-time. The device will sound an alert as soon as an unusual circumstance arises to remind medical personnel to act quickly to protect patientshealth and safety.
  • Traceability and quality control: RFID patient wristbands have the ability to capture important patient data at every stage of the medical procedure, including prescription status and surgical notes. This aids in post-event tracking and quality control for medical facilities, ultimately leading to higher-quality healthcare.



Technical data

Chip Type: 高頻 13.56 兆赫 (FM11RF08, Mifare1K S50, Mifare1K S70, Ultralight, I-CODE series)
Mechanical: 材料 特衛強
Length 250 毫米
Width 25 毫米
顏色 藍, 紅, 黑, 白, 黃色, 橙, 綠, 粉紅色
Electrical: Operating frequency 13.56 兆赫
Operating mode Passive (battery-less transponder)
Thermal: 儲存溫度 0°C to +50°C
工作溫度 0°C to +50°C

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Custom Wristbands

You can easily create your own event paper wristbands with our personalized RFID patient wristbands, adding text, photos, and logos. You are able to build your own custom wristband using the wristband creation tool.
RFID patient wristbands are a fast and low-cost option, but once they are personalized, they cannot be changed and are not transferrable. More than thirty colors are available for our paper wristbands, with the most often-used hues being black, 黃色, 綠, 粉紅色, gold, and blue. Customize your own wristband by adding your own wording and logo, or choose from common stock.

Our RFID Patient Wristbands are available in 3/4sizes and our full-color paper wristbands are available in 1″ 大小, giving you a variety of options. Secure self-adhesive labels make application easy and all of our RFID Patient Wristbands come with a security cutout to prevent tampering, removal or reuse. All wristbands are sequentially numbered to better assist with control.

RFID Patient Wristbands07 RFID Patient Wristbands custom



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