
Our comprehensive RFID product line includes RFID Keyfob, RFID腕帶, RFID卡, RFID標籤, RFID牲畜標籤, RFID標籤, RFID閱讀器, and EAS Tag. We provide enterprises with efficient and secure RFID solutions to meet various application needs.




門禁腕帶係一款光橙色嘅 RFID腕帶,具有帶矩形扣嘅可調節錶帶. 正面印有桎梏(無線射頻識別)" 白色.


RFID腕帶取代傳統嘅紙質票證緊,用于門禁控制和會員費打理. 呢啲防水標籤非常適合度假村, 水上樂園, 遊樂園, 同音樂節, 提升訪客…

用于庫存嘅 RFID標籤

用于庫存嘅 RFID標籤

The RFID Tags For Inventory is designed for harsh working environments, meeting heat, pressure, and chemical resistance requirements. It is widely used in industrial laundry and textiles in hotels, 醫院,…

可清洗 RFID標籤

可清洗 RFID標籤

可清洗 RFID標籤由穩定嘅PPS材料製成, ideal for high temperatures and harsh environments. They are suitable for industrial washing, uniform management, medical apparel management, military uniform management,…

產品: 可清洗 RFID - 帶有偏心橢圓形切口的圓形黑色圓盤, 採用可清洗 RFID技術設計,提高耐用性.

可清洗 RFID

Washable RFID technology enhances inventory management by acquiring real-time product positions and quantities, reducing errors and time spent on manual counting. It also provides strong anti-theft and in-store product management



PPS material with high thermal resistance* Pass the -40°C~+150°C high and low temperature transformation cycle test for two consecutive days. * P68 waterproof and dustproof PS and high temperature resistant

四個圓盤, 類似于洗衣房 RFID標籤, 堆疊喺白色背景上.

洗衣房 RFID

直徑20毫米, 基於PPS嘅HF NTAG® 213 laundry tag is a washable RFID NFC coin tag (NTAG® is a registered trademark of NXP B.V., used under license). With

RFID Laundry

RFID Laundry

RFID laundry products are widely used in many fields due to their excellent tracking and management capabilities and durability. To maintain cleanliness and safety in hospitals, it may simply monitor

描述展示了一個黑色 RFID PPS洗衣標籤,其圓盘形式與白色背景相映成趣, with a shadow (下面有陰影).


Fujian RFID Solution Co., 有限公司. offers a variety of RFID PPS Laundry Tags, including PPS001 and SIL, suitable for managing clothes, linens, and laundry chains. These tags can withstand harsh

Retail RFID Tags For Texitle

Retail RFID Tags For Texitle

Retail RFID Tags For Texitle are used in hotels, 醫院, and laundries for precise delivery, acceptance, 後勤, and inventory management. These waterproof and strong tags can be sewn on or

rfid washing tag (1)

RFID washing tag

RFID washing tag are thin, pliable, and soft. Depending on your washing process requirements, they may be sewed, heat-sealed, or pouched, and they can be applied fast and simply.In order

一座大型灰色工業建築,擁有好多藍色嘅窗同兩個主要入口,自豪地矗立在空地下, 青天. 標有標誌糸PBZ Business Parkī," 它體現咗我哋嘅桎梏關於我哋" 提供卓越業務解決方案嘅使命.



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RFID標籤製造商 [批發 | OEM代工 | ODM]

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