An EAS Tag is one crucial part of an EAS-system. EAS tags are small pieces of technology that you put on the merchandise that you want to protect. EAS systems use radio frequency technology with both RF and AM systems to detect articles or products that have EAS labels, stickers or tags attached to them when they pass through gates or sensors at the front of the store. One of the major differences between the two systems is that an RF will enable store owners to integrate security deactivation and barcode scanning into one single process. If a store uses an RF- EAS system the complete sale transaction does not require any additional process and therefore very streamlined.
A roll of RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Stickers designed as transparent adhesive labels with circular patterns on a white background for enhanced functionality.

RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Sticker

The RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Sticker is compact, allowing it to be applied to various package sizes without affecting product information or brand promotion. It offers visual distancing, preserves goods, and

EAS Soft Tag

EAS Soft Tag

The EAS soft tag is a crucial component of the Electronic Article Surveillance system, used for inventory management, commodity monitoring, and anti-theft. It uses electromagnetic induction and is compatible with

A plain background showcases an RF Jewelry Soft Label in white, featuring a rectangular shape and a flexible extension strip.

RF Jewelry Soft Label

RF Jewelry Soft Label is a popular anti-theft solution for various retail stores, reducing theft risk and ensuring product safety. It is easily attached to goods and works with EAS

AM EAS Labels

AM EAS Labels

AM EAS Labels systems are widely used theft protection tactics in retail. These systems consist of tools to remove or deactivate tags and labels, antennae, and EAS tags. Superior quality

Anti Theft EAS Hard Tag

Anti Theft EAS Hard Tag

The Anti Theft EAS Hard Tag is a device used in shopping malls and supermarkets to identify anti-theft detection systems. It uses RFID chips and antennae to wirelessly connect with

EAS Security Hard Tag

EAS Security Hard Tag

EAS security hard tags are reusable security tags used in retail stores to prevent theft and provide self-defense capabilities. They are reusable and require an EAS remover at the checkout

Eas Bottle Tagging

EAS Bottle Tagging

Inkampani ye-Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Ltd. offers 8.2MHz EAS Bottle Tagging for electronic products compatible with Checkpoints, designed to deter theft. The tag is adaptable to fit bottles of various thicknesses

Security supermarket Tag

Security supermarket Tag

Secure Supermarket Tags are compact, lightweight hard tags used for securing delicate garments and preventing business loss. They are available with a lanyard and can be ordered in RF to

EAS RFID Security Tag for Clothing Store

EAS RFID Security Tag for Clothing Store

EAS RFID Security Tag for Clothing Store is an ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID system that enhances inventory management in clothing stores. It communicates with an antenna near the store entrance,…

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