125khz RFID Bullet Tag


Imikhiqizo efakiwe

Izindaba Zakamuva

A streamlined black 125khz RFID Bullet Tag, featuring a cylindrical shape and rounded end, sits gracefully against a pristine white backdrop.

Incazelo emfushane:

The 125kHz RFID bullet tag is a waterproof transponder that revolutionizes physical asset management with its compact cylindrical appearance. It is suitable for various industrial and manufacturing applications, offering precise and trustworthy marking and tracking solutions for tangible assets. The tag’s advantages include effective information tracking, high-tech digital anti-counterfeiting, convenient installation, and increased efficiency. Its unique identification number ensures item authenticity, protects intellectual property rights, and prevents the sale of counterfeit goods. The tag’s covert design allows for quick and easy installation, saving time and energy.

Thumela I-imeyili Kithi

Yabelana nathi:

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

The 125kHz RFID bullet tag, a revolutionary waterproof transponder, revolutionizes physical asset management with previously unheard-of levels of simplicity and efficiency. Due to its distinctive compact cylindrical appearance, this RFID bullet tag stands out and is especially well-suited for a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications. Its bullet-shaped design makes it simple for users to place on tiny objects or in confined locations, and its superior waterproofing provides steady functioning in a range of climatic situations.

It is important to note that although though the RFID bullet tag gets its name from its bullet-like form, it has no bullet function and is unrelated to actual bullets. It is only a high-performance RFID tag product with an emphasis on offering precise and trustworthy marking and tracking solutions for a range of tangible assets. RFID bullet nail guns may provide your industrial applications great support and enable you to achieve more effective and intelligent asset management, whether your application is for security monitoring, ukulandelela izinto, or inventory management.

125khz RFID Bullet Tag



Umkhiqizo RFID bullet tag, rfid nail tag for tree/ furniture/ garbage can/ wood management
Uhlobo lwe-chip readable and rewritable 13.56mhz ISO14443A RFID bullet tag
RFID Nail tag material I-ABS
Dimensions(DxL) 19mmx7mmx3mm, 18mm*7mm*7mm, 41mm*7mm*7.7mm
Reading distance Maximum 20cm depending on different readers
Imvamisa LF, HF, UHF
Operating temperature -40 to 85°C
Storage temperature -55 to 100°C
Izinhlelo zokusebenza – Item identification (Tree, garbage can, furniture wood, njll)
– Ezokuphepha
– Logistic & Inventory

-Gun management, pistol identification


LF&HF IC Parameters

Imvamisa ICs model Read/Write Memory Iphrothokholi Brand
125Khz I-TK4100 R/O 64bit /  
T5577 R/W 363bit ISO11784 Atmel
13.56Mhz MIFARE Classic EV1 1K R/W 1Kbyte ISO14443A NXP
F08 R/W 1K byte ISO14443A Fudan
MIFARE Classic 4K R/W 4K byte ISO14443A NXP
Ultralight EV1 R/W 640bit ISO14443A NXP
NTAG213 R/W 180byte ISO14443A NXP
NTAG216 R/W 888byte ISO14443A NXP
DESFire 2K / 4K /8K R/W 2K/4K/8K byte ISO14443A NXP

125khz RFID Bullet Tag01


Advantages of RFID bullet nail products

  • Effective information tracking: Thanks to their special RFID technology, RFID bullet nail products can monitor and record pertinent information with speed and accuracy. It can provide reliable and real-time data assistance for inventory management, logistics monitoring, and asset management, enabling you to monitor the dynamics and whereabouts of things at all times.
  • High-tech digital anti-counterfeiting: High-tech digital anti-counterfeiting is simple to do using RFID bullet nail products. A unique identification number is printed on each label to guarantee the item’s authenticity and integrity. By doing this, you not only safeguard your intellectual property rights and brand image, but you also stop the sale of fake and subpar goods, giving customers safer and more dependable items.
  • Convenience and dependable installation: RFID bullet nail solutions have a covert design that makes them simple to place on tiny items or in tight areas. Its accurate size design and strong, long-lasting substance provide stability and dependability in a variety of settings and circumstances. You may save a ton of time and energy since the installation process is quick and easy and doesn’t need complicated machinery or procedures.
  • Effective operation and increased efficiency: You will benefit from both effective operation and increased efficiency when you use RFID bullet nail products. You may more precisely understand how things are used and demand changes via real-time monitoring and data analysis, which will optimize inventory management, increase the effectiveness of logistics, and save operational expenses. High-tech digital anti-counterfeiting features may also significantly boost your brand’s reputation and competitiveness in the market.

125khz RFID Bullet Tag02

Shiya Umlayezo Wakho


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Xhumana Nathi


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