High Temperature RFID Tag For Industrial Environment


Imikhiqizo efakiwe

Izindaba Zakamuva

High Temperature RFID Tag For Industrial Environment

Incazelo emfushane:

High Temperature RFID Tag For Industrial Environment are electronic identification tags made to withstand high temperatures and challenging working conditions. To provide stability and dependability in high-temperature situations, these tags are composed of materials that can withstand high temperatures, such as ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer) and PPS (polyphenylene sulphide).

Thumela I-imeyili Kithi

Yabelana nathi:

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

High Temperature RFID Tags for Industrial Environments are electronic identification tags made to withstand high temperatures and challenging working conditions. To provide stability and dependability in high-temperature situations, these tags are composed of materials that can withstand high temperatures, such as ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer) and PPS (polyphenylene sulfide).

High Temperature RFID Tag For Industrial Environment High Temperature RFID Tag For Industrial Environment 01


  • High-temperature resistance: These tags are resistant to extremely high temperatures, allowing them to function normally in hot conditions without suffering harm or losing functionality as a result of temperature fluctuations.
  • High identification accuracy: These RFID tags can retain a high level of recognition accuracy in high-temperature conditions, which helps to guarantee the dependability of data reading.
  • Strong durability: They may be used for a long time in severe industrial conditions, minimizing maintenance and replacement costs, because they are made of materials with qualities like wear resistance and acid and alkali corrosion resistance.
  • huge data storage capacity: RFID tags can hold rich product data to satisfy the demands of complicated information management in the industrial sector. They also have a huge storage capacity.
  • worldwide unique ID code: To guarantee data security and traceability, every RFID tag includes a worldwide unique ID code.


Functional Specifications:

I-RFID Protocol: I-EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C Imvamisa: (E-US) 902-928MHz, (EU) 865-868MHz IC type: Alien Higgs-3

Memory: EPC 96bits (Up to 480bits) , USER 512bits, TID 64 bits

Write Cycles: 100,000 Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: Up to 50 Years Applicable Surface: Metal Surfaces

Read Range :

(Fix Reader)

Read Range :

(Isifundi esiphathwa ngesandla)

450 cm (E-US) 902-928MHz, on metal

420 cm (EU) 865-868MHz, on metal

300 cm (E-US) 902-928MHz, on metal

280 cm (EU) 865-868MHz, on metal

Warranty: 1 Year


Physical Specification:

Usayizi: 40x10mm, (Hole: D3mmx2)

Thickness: 2.1mm without IC bump, 2.7mm with IC bump

Okubalulekile: FR4 (PCB)

Colour: Mnyama (Okubomvu, Okuluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, Okuhlaza, namhlophe) Mounting Methods: Adhesive, Screw

Weight: 2.2g





MT017 4010U1:

MT017 4010E2:


Environmental Specification:

IP Rating: IP68

Storage Temperature: -40°С to +150°С

Operation Temperature: -40°С to +100°С

Certifications: Reach Approved, RoHS Approved, CE Approved



Oda information:

MT017 4010U1 (E-US) 902-928MHz, MT017 4010E2 (EU) 865-868MHz

Shiya Umlayezo Wakho


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